Thursday 17 November 2011

10th March Protest and Concert receives American backing

Martin Mawyer President of the Christian Action Network 

Martin Mawyer, founder and President of the Christian Action Network, an anti-Islamist organization based  in the U.S., has been invited by the British-Pakistani Christian Association to be a featured speaker for the Trafalgar Square Peace Concert in London on March 10, 2012.

Mawyer will be joining an elite group of international Christian leaders to protect Pakistan’s blasphemy laws  that are being used to persecute those who leave Islam or criticize the religion. Mawyer has been chosen to represent the U.S. for the event. The protest will take place on the anniversary of the murder of Shahbaz Bhatti, the only Christian member of Pakistan’s parliament. He was assassinated after he condemned Pakistan’s blasphemy laws.

“Shahbaz Bhatti is a hero, whose extraordinary bravery cost him his life, but almost no one knows his name,” said Mawyer.

The Christian Action Network has been a leading voice against blasphemy laws and has been fighting for the  freedom of Asia Bibi, a Pakistani mother who converted from Islam to Christianity and has been sentenced to death for criticizing her former religion. She was arrested after she engaged in a religious debate with her co-workers, who assaulted her and reported her to the police.

With 250,000 members across the U.S., CAN has been in contact with several members of Congress to introduce a resolution condemning blasphemy laws. CAN is partnering with the British-Pakistani Christian Association in England and other Christian organizations in Italy, the Netherlands and even in Pakistan to simultaneously introduce similar resolutions.

The protest will begin at the Pakistan embassy in London and then move to 10 Downing Street. Mawyer will speak at both locations. It will then move to Trafalger Square, where a three-hour concert will begin.

The Christian Action Network is also in the final stages of production for a new documentary about the rise of radical Islam in Europe, aided and abetted by political correctness.

More About Martin Mawyer:

Martin Mawyer is the President of the Christian Action Network, a non-profit activist organization dedicated to defending America’s religious and moral heritage. The organization is based on Biblical principles, values and traditions and has grown to have over 250,000 members.

Mawyer started his career as a freelance journalist and became the editor of Jerry Falwell’s “Moral Majority Report.” He founded the Christian Action Network in 1990, and it quickly became a powerful force in campaigns for protecting religious liberties, defending traditional marriage, protecting the rights of the unborn and allowing voluntary prayer in public schools.

The organization exposed offensive behavior at Walt Disney World’s “Gay Days” and how the resort did not offer prior notice to attendees or offer refunds to those who decided it was inappropriate for their families to be present during the event. CAN also successfully fought to end taxpayer funding to the National Endowment for the Arts to pay for offensive artwork mocking Christianity.

After 9/11, CAN shifted its focus to fighting the spread of radical Islam in the United States, viewing the ideology as a direct and formidable threat to the country’s values. In February 2009, CAN released Homegrown Jihad: The Terrorist Camps Around U.S., which exposed the existence of 35 paramilitary-training compounds around the country run by a radical Islamic group with ties to terrorism. The film included footage from CAN’s visits to the sites and even the discovery of a new compound in Pennsylvania. The documentary was featured on FOX News Channel’s “Hannity,” and host, Sean Hannity, called it “shocking.”

In spring of 2010, CAN released its second film, Islam Rising: Geert Wilders’ Warning to the West, telling the story of how an anti-Islam Dutch parliamentarian was prosecuted for his criticism of the religion. It included a speech Wilders gave about the future of the U.S. and was the only DVD in the U.S. to include his own film, Fitna.

In 2011, CAN released, Sacrificed Survivors: The Untold Story of the Ground Zero Mosque, based on extensive interviews with 9/11 survivors and victims’ family members. CAN went on a screening tour to counter speaking engagements by the Ground Zero Mosque’s original imam, and held an event on September 11 in Congress with Rep. Allen West to show the film.

CAN, under Mawyer’s direction, is now working on a documentary about the Islamization of Europe and pro-Islam bias in the education system.

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