Wednesday 30 November 2011

EU Conference called for "Protecting Minority Rights in South Asia"

EU Parliament in Brussels

Global Human Rights Defence in collboration with MEP Cecilia Wikstrom and the ALDE Committee of the EU, have invited the BPCA's Wilson Chowdhry to participate at an EU CONFERENCE termed "Protecting Minority Rights in South Asia".

The Event will be held in the EU Parliament at Brussels on December 8, 2011 starting at 09:00 and concluding at 13:00.

Key speakers are Taslima Nasreen, Bangladeshi writer in exile, and winner of the European Parliament Sakharov Prize, and Anuradha Koirala, awarded CNN hero 2010 for her work against human trafficking in Nepal.

The event, in celebration of International Human Rights Day, brings together human rights defenders from Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, India and Bhutan to address European representatives, MEPs, policymakers and NGOs.

A platform such as this is a real opportunity to challenge for a sterner approach from Europe with regards to Pakistan's Abysmal record for human rights.

Please pray for understanding and wisdom to be poured abundantly over Wilson Chowdhry our delegate, pray for MEPs to have a tenderness of heart for global persecuted minorities and pray for a positive conclusion, that may shape a more harmonious future for all who live in South Asia.

As an unfunded group we rely on donations from those who appreciate the work of the BPCA. We would appreciate any assistance towards the finance for this important delegation. We are seeking donations towards the travel costs, any offer of a place of residence from Christians living near Brussels or donations towards an overnight stay.

If you can assist please make contact or send donations via our Paypal link at the top of this blog, or by cheque made payable to the BPCA at

C/O A.A. Security Ltd
57 Green Lane


  1. I like this forum; Christians in Pakistan are really vulnerable and in need of immediate international support and protection. Please pray deligently for Christians in Pakistan.

  2. Dear Wilson,

    Thanks for sharing upcoming conference. Many Blessings and prayer for you, other delegate who will participate and your dedication towards Minorities Rights always.

    May God Bless you!

    Yuel Bhatti
    A Better Community for ALL Pakistan.

  3. Dear Mr. Chowdhry

    I wish you well in your endeavours. You are doing a splendid job. God bless you.

    Dr. Peter J. David

  4. God bless u and your team brother.

  5. Dear Wilson

    Thats great news you have been invited to the EU Conference. It will be an important platform to speak about the persecution going on in Pakistan. I am sure you will do us proud! I will definately be praying for you on Dec 8th for the Lord to give you His strength and wisdom for you to speak with clarity and with confidence. I pray also for the Lord's favour to be upon you so that all the other delegates will sit up and listen to what you have to say.

    Well done for stepping out against injustice!

    All the Best

    Sybil Qasir

  6. Dear Respected Chaudry Sb.

    First of all I must appreciate you that yours afford for the vulnerable Christian in all over the world, specially for the Pakistani Christians.

    Here in Pakistan are many reasons of persecution to Pakistani Christians. But one of the major reasons of persecution in Pakistan with Christians that Christians leaders like pastors, Bishops, Political leaders and Social works are not using funds which they are receiving from the national and international donors. I like to advise you may please give your curable attention that how international community use their funds through Pastors, Bishops Political Leaders and social works without any discrimination, greed, dishonesty and many more.

    I found as per my survey that Average 75% Christians families are not able to pay School fee(s) or Educational expenditure to their children. Average 27% medical Expenditures, 69% families are under debt, 35% youngster are indict, 17% Christian Families are not able to send their children in schools, colleges or universities. There are very dangerous figures but instead of our leaders are rich, well established. Poverty is the only reasons for Christians to face discrimination or persecution in Pakistan.

    I hope yours best affords shall bring bright changes in Pakistan.

    May God bless you and yours conference.

    Yours brother in Christ.

    Kamran Akhtar
    +92(300)459 9251

  7. Please be assured of our prayers!

    May God abundantly bless this event, all your ministry and all your people.


    Baroness Cox
    Founder and CEO
    Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust

  8. Please be assured you will be in our prayers.

    Regards, Davina

    Davina Bolt
    Director, Social Justice
    Co- Director, Commission for Justice & Social Responsibility
    Diocese of Brentwood
