Sunday 18 December 2011

Blasphemy victims' families meet to give solace to one another!

Blasphemy victims' families gain solace through one another's company.

 Victims family members received cheques for Rs5000 to assist with the loss of key family members.
 So many wives without their husbands due to a contentious Pakistani Blasphemy law!
Rehmat Masih looking more healthy since his escape from the confines of Faisalabad Jail.  His strength is an inspiration to others!

On Saturday  17th December, 2011 a "Special Families Christmas Get-Together" at David Villa, Faisalabad was organised by Rev Samson. Families who are affected by the blasphemy law in Faisalabad were invited guests.

Rev Samson said;

"I thank God that this time was to pray and have fellowship with these friends. There were sorrows and tears   as some of them lost their loved ones. There were three families who were happy because their loved ones released from the prison, Rehmat Masih is one of those." He added further; "There was also a family whose son is in incarcerated and facing the life imprisonment announced to him, by a judge two years ago." 

Rt. Rev. Bishop John Samuel, an Anglican Bishop from Faisalabad Diocese was the speaker for this program.

Rev Samson told us;

"We are thankful to those who were with us in prayers and support. Please at this  time of Christmas do remember those who are still behind the bars because of these cases. God bless you all during this Christmas." 

The BPCA has chosen to support this wonderful work and will be organising a Christmas appeal for a group that has achieved so much.  The work of this group illustrates that a concerted effort can bring about change and reform in Pakistan and should inspire all of us to work that little bit harder to see even more success, piecemeal as it may seen it is still invaluable to our community.

"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up."  (Galatians 6:9)

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