Saturday 10 December 2011

Christian Girl of 18 shot dead whilst escaping abduction!

Mansha Masih remains faithful in God and will fight for justice!

Amariah Masih (ARA Mariah Masih) an 18 year old Christian girl from the village of Tehsil Samundari, near Faisalabad, was shot and killed on November 27th. IReports state that Miss Masih was resisting abduction and potential rape, a common plight for young attractive Pakistani Christian girls viewed as "easy pickings," due to the second class status of Christians in Pakistan.   

A 28 year old Muslim Arif Gujjar is in the custody of local police for questioning over Miss Masih's murder. It is reported that he is a "young drifter and drug addict," the son of a wealthy landowner from an area named Shafi Gujjar. 

Razia Bibi, 50, mother of Amariah, told AsiaNews that she and her daughter were on their way to the channel to collect drinking water, which is not available in the village. At first Arif Gujjar, in the company of a friend whose identity is still unknown, took possession of the motorbike on which they were travelling, he then grabbed the girl and tried to drag her away, whilst threatening her with a gun. The young Christian resisted and escaped the clutches of her attacker. The man shot her twice killing her in the process.  The killer later tried to conceal the corpse.

The body was found by her father, Mansha Masih, 53, a father of five daughters and two sons. He denounced the suspect, who was near the area where he had tried to hide the corpse and erase evidence of the murder. Police were immediately put on the trail of Arif and stopped him shortly after. The girl's father thanked local police, who "have worked hard" to arrest the culprit.

At the end of the 18 year old Christian’s funeral, a Muslim delegation met with the family to express solidarity and restore harmony and peace within the community. Mansha Masih, however, urged that justice must be done and stated that he "will fight to get it" because "they are the victim of a cruel act." Her funeral was led by Father Zafal Iqbal, a native of Khushpur, who explained to AsiaNews: "wealthy and influential landowners often target Christians who are  marginalized and vulnerable - for their dirty interests."

Reports of abductions have increased in frequency in recent years, Pakistani society has reached it's nadir and comparisons with Sodom and Gomorrah would not be out of place.  In a society where a deep revulsion towards Christians is prevalent, persecutors are able to exercise their sordid and wanton desires with relative impunity.  In the case of miss Masih the local authority seems to have been very proactive and the local Muslim community have visibly shown compassion and love, something that has been vacant in many previous stories.  Here is a chance for justice to prevail and for a community to buck the usual trend.  The BPCA calls for our members to pray for a successful prosecution of the murderer Arif Gujjar.  Pray also that the Pakistan Government realises the societal implosion that threatens to decimate their country.  

If this case is successful it should be used as a trigger for change and not brushed under the proverbial carpet.  Strong determined governments admit their faults and create programmes to reduce and eradicate them.  If the existing government of Pakistan want to continue receiving foreign aid, they will need to  be more honest at a time when many aid providers are simply rejecting rogue nations.

Whilst at the European Union Conference "Protecting Minority Rights for South Asia" on Thursday 8th December, Wilson Chowdhry Chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association spoke of the prolific nature of abductions of our vulnerable young girls in Pakistan.  A social malaise that is growing due to increasing perception of impunity towards Muslim perpetrators.  EU Member MEP Cecilia Wikstrom was moved by the stories from Wilson and other humanitarians.  

Since the meeting the PA to MEP Angelika Werthmann has emailed Wilson with hope to secure evidence supporting the discrimination minorities face, when seeking flood relief aid and foreign aid embezzlements.  If any groups have solid evidence such as reports, articles, pictures, FIR's or other material, please get in contact.


  1. Here is an update:

  2. Our Prayers are with you Mansha and family and all the members of the church.
    Our good LORD will give you the peace.
    Love and Prayers
    John Chandy

  3. Hi Wilson,
    Our Prayers are with you and mariah masih's family. God Bless

    Mr Eric Masih
    Gold Crown Property Services
