Wednesday 21 December 2011

Our Christmas Appeal

A modern day miracle a Christian dormitory at Faisalabad District Jail!

This year our Christmas appeal will support the work of Rev Samson Javaid, who has performed a great service for Christians in his local jail, by arranging for the building of a separate wing for Christians.

Christians in prison are badly treated, even worse then the deplorable treatment for Muslim inmates Pakistani jails.

Other prisoners will deny them sleeping space once they find out they are Christians. Moreover, Christians in jail are either imprisoned on false charges (often blasphemy ones) or because as poverty stricken Christians they have accrued debt they cannot pay off.  A typical example is that of Rehmat Masiah of 75 years, falsely accused of blasphemy over a land dispute.  He was in prison for nearly 18 months, and was only released a few weeks ago after an strong appeal led by Rev Javaid:

The pressure is so great in prison that significant numbers have become Muslims, simply to gain more tolerable conditions.  

The new wing, opened at the start of the month, is right next to the Christian chapel in Faisalabad, District jail which Rev Javaid helped build several years ago.  The Rev Javaid has been working to put on a Christmas party for the families of Christian inmates, to which many former inmates who were victims of blasphemy laws, and indeed, the family of victims who died in jail, have been invited.  He faithfully helps out Christians in the prison in many ways, and we think his work is a very worthy cause for our Christmas appeal.

Rev Javaid told us of a "Special Families Christmas Get-Together" held at David Villa, Faisalabad on 17th December 2011. Close families and friends of those affected by the Pakistan's blasphemy laws in Faisalabad were invited. The occasion was an opportunity to pray and have fellowship with these friends. Rev Javid expressed the deep sorrow felt by those who had lost their loved ones. There were also three families who were happy because their loved ones had been released from the prison.  Rt. Rev. Bishop John Samuel, an Anglican Bishop from Faisalabad Diocese was the speaker for this program. Learn more here:

We are thankful to those who were with us in prayers and support. We think that in Spirit they were present with us in this program. Please at this Christmas do remember those who are still behind the bars because of these cases. God bless you at this Christmas. 

"I thank God for the time we were able to spent together. This is I think first time that such type of gathering took place. We were able to give Rs. 5000 to each family as a Christmas gift. Lunch was also served and some visitors were also given travelling expenses. We are now planning to have a Christmas lunch for  prisoners in the new barrack, that will be on Thursday 23rd December 2011. One more prisoners lunch  will be held on 2nd January, 2012.  We shall give food to about 200 beleaguered Christian prisoners."

He spoke of the need for prayer for those still caught up in Faisalabad Prison and commented;

"Please do remember those who are still behind the bars because of these cases. God bless you all during this Christmas." 

Please give generously, remembering what Jesus said in Matthew 25 about judgement day criteria being how we responded to our brothers and sisters in prison, among other things

If you would like to support our Christmas Appeal please send your contributions by cheque payable to;

British Pakistani Christian Association/Javaid Prison

Post to;

British Pakistani Christian Association
57 Green Lane
IG1 1XG 
Alternatively should you wish you can pay by BACS, direct debit or standing order by paying into the following account details:

Sort Code: 20-67-90

Account Number: 63468976

You can also pay via the internet using the PayPal link at the top right hand corner of our blog.  God Bless you all.


  1. Dear Wilson

    Thank you for doing such a fantastic job for the Christian Community.

    Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year

    Dr. Peter j. David

  2. John Dayal (India)22 December 2011 at 14:12

    congratulations for all the work you do
    have a great Christmas and new year
    john dayal

  3. My dear Wilson,
    My God bless you in your efforts.and make you successfil in the comming year.
    My Love to you and your family . Happy Christmass and prosperous new year

    Your Taya and family.

    Dr.M.R. Chowdhry.

  4. Qamar Khan (Canada)22 December 2011 at 14:15

    To Those Special to us!
    Instead of paper Christmas Cards by regular post, I am sending out this electronic one.

    Hope you all have a VERY Merry Christmas, and the Happiest New Year.

    Best wishes

    Qamar Khan

  5. Peace and Shalom to ALL dear Wilson
    May God give peace and comfort to those being persecuted by ignorant if not evil men and women.
    May Christ-Mass bring peace and joy into the lives of those who are being persecuted for their love and faith in Jesus the Christ.
    May 2012 be the year that good triumphs over evil.
    Peace and Blessings to you and your family.
