Friday 2 December 2011

Prosecute the Bishops!

I have received this message regarding the illegal sale of Church property and have published it prima facie (sic):

"Dear Friends, Reliable sources have confirmed that Rev. Sadie Daniel (self-proclaimed bishop, who has been declared illegal and invalid by the competent court of civil jurisdiction vide judgment dated 30-06-2010) has re-affirmed in his so-called diocesan council meeting that he is going to commercialise St. Andrew’s Church property, situated at Regal Chowk, Saddar, Karachi. It has further been confirmed that Rev. Sadiq Daniel explicitly confirms that he/they have already received earnest/advance money and that they will construct shops and commercial plaza thereon. Members of St. Andrew’s Church are protesting and those who were present in (though illegal) meeting opposed the idea/proposal of commercialization. All Friends/Believers are requested to confirm this news/fact from their sources and support the members of St. Andrew’s Church in their effort/campaign to save their church from the black-sheep/sadiq-daniel."

Her is an article that provides more information:

I hope global church leaders will condemn unruly Bishop's, that are systematically selling off prime church land for personal gain.  Something must be done to terminate this dastardly malaise that threatens the very survival of the Pakistani church and has already demoralised many Parishioners of affected churches.  

Perhaps the Church of Pakistan should now consider amendment to their constitution to permit excommunication of failing Bishops?

Below are further link highlighting over similar concerns:


  1. Dear Respected Chaudry Sb.

    First of all I must appreciate you that yours afford for the vulnerable Christian in all over the world, specially for the Pakistani Christians.

    Here in Pakistan are many reasons of persecution to Pakistani Christians. But one of the major reasons of persecution in Pakistan with Christians that Christians leaders like pastors, Bishops, Political leaders and Social works are not using funds which they are receiving from the national and international donors. I like to advise you may please give your curable attention that how international community use their funds through Pastors, Bishops Political Leaders and social works without any discrimination, greed, dishonesty and many more.

    I found as per my survey that Average 75% Christians families are not able to pay School fee(s) or Educational expenditure to their children. Average 27% medical Expenditures, 69% families are under debt, 35% youngster are indict, 17% Christian Families are not able to send their children in schools, colleges or universities. There are very dangerous figures but instead of our leaders are rich, well established. Poverty is the only reasons for Christians to face discrimination or persecution in Pakistan.

    I hope yours best affords shall bring bright changes in Pakistan.

    May God bless you and yours conference.

    Yours brother in Christ.

  2. It is a hard fact and needs the attention of the Christians worldwide and particularly of the "Anglican Communion."
    Because of a verdict against him and for other violations of the constitution, Church of Pakistan stands void and illegal.
    The Archbishop the Moderator of the Church of Pakistan must appoint a "Committee" to look into these abuses which also include 'sale of Church properties.'

  3. Dear Anonymous, the feedback on land loss and sales is coming directly from incensed parishioners in Pakistan. If you have evidence to refute the allegations please do send us an article with accompanied with a source or two...

    It is not British Pakistani Christians that are creating these stories, but the Pakistani Christian residing in Pakistan seeking wider assistance as they allege they are being threatened in Pakistan by the Bishops' in place to protect and serve them.

  4. I just saw this thread and very suprised that where is Wilson Chowdhry?? Is his job only to post divisive news on discusssion forums and then never substatiate its contents in response to the objections raised by fellow Christians?? Is BPCA only a news agency posting news clippings with biased rhetoric?? I wonder if he will do the courtesy to respond to at least some of the questioned raised by me??

  5. Asif we provide a advocacy service that has led to over 6 successful applications for Asylum for our community and are the only ones challenging UKBA policy in the national media. Our work includes a funded programme to improve local interfaith harmony and on the 10th March we intend a Trafalgar square interfaith peace concert calling for Freedom of Asia Bibi and reform of the blasphemy laws of Pakistan. I usually refrain from petty squabbles as I am not out to make friends but to serve a cause. If you referred to the main comment in the posting, you will note It was received as an email from a concerned local parishioner - his message is the main crux of the post, not the attached link to the news publication. I also provided links for a similar story retrieved directly from parishioners in Faisalabad where a similar project ensued. If I do not always respond to your trvial comments it is because I believe my time would be served better in prayer and in preparing myself for my trip to the European Parliament on the 8th December - when I intend to challenge for a sterner approach to Pakistan, over it's poor record for human rights. Pray that MEP's will not be as oblivious to the truth as yourself...

  6. lack of leadership.... and that too educated leadership is the core problem of christian community in Pakistan. And the so called religious leaders in the form of Bishops and church leaders are no better than the political leaders.... both use whatever is at stake for their personal gains... who needs proof for that... it is evident... bloody evident!

  7. churches are at business,
    i am pastor yousaf alyas christian evangelical ministries Pakistan,
    I find churches are doing business selling the churches properties in Faisalabad up church and church of Pakistan are the finest example of this issue no one can stop them they have some people on higher post like bishops whom they sold a big portion of the church properties and earn money in billions is there anyone to stop them.

  8. I have found best group of people who encourage to everybody for facing all kind of worry that obstruct you for achieve any success. This is faith community who provide unique information about Global Church and so many other things which are very essential for everyone.
