Wednesday 14 December 2011

Rehmat Masih free from Prison after being accused for blasphemy by land grabbers!

Rehmat Masih a 75 year old man was released from Faisalabad District Jail on the 28th November 2011, after a successful appeal against the imposition of a blasphemy charge, under section 295/c of the Pakistan Penal Code.  Mr Masih had been in prison since 19th July and human rights activist Reverend Samson Javed said; "this is a miracle from God!". 
The charge was laid against him after Mr Masih successfully defeated in court, land grabbers who were using the large plot given to Christian farmers by the Government of Pakistan.

After court ruled in favour of  Rehmat Masih the Muslim group placed a false accusation that Mr Masih had uttered blasphemous words against the prophet Muhammed and his wives. The actual complainant a brother of this Muslim cultivating the Mr Masih's land illegally and was not even living in the same village but 15-20 kilometres away, in another town. 
A non-Christian lawyer defended Mr Masih in a trial that took place almost entirely inside the prison. A number of circumstances delayed the proceeding such as the situation surrounding Asia Bibi's case a a huge backlog of other cases. After the release of Rehmat Masih Rev Javed commented (sic);  

"Thank God that on 28th November, 2011 he was released from prison.  We thank God for that. ..... Though its a long period of time for justice, which reminds us that even wrong accusations takes more than a year to be proven not guilty, at the end we thank God for all his help and protection"

Rehmat Masih has moved form the are and is in a safe location.

Rev Javed has organised a Christmas celebration for all the Christian inmates at the prison.  Many of who are serving sentences for blasphemy charges.  Further details we be provided.  The BPCA would like to collect donations for this extremely successful and worthy prison ministry.  If you would like to contribute please use the paypal fetaure at the top right hand corner of our blog site or alternatively send checks made payable to the BPCA at the address in the header.  Reference any donation BPCA/Prison Mission. 

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