Thursday 19 January 2012

Armenian Bishop stands with Pakistani Christians calling for an end to persecution!

The Right Reverend Bishop Vahan Hovhanessian and Wilson Chowdhry after a meeting with Baroness Randerson (Liberal Democrat Peerage) and other humanitarians 18th January 2012.

Human Right figures representing many forgotten minorities met to debate international persecution affecting a number fo nations.  The event itself was set the day before the anniversary assassination of Hrant Dink (RIP 19th January 2007), a Turkish Citizen of Armenian descent and former editor-in-chief of the bilingual Turkish-Armenian newspaper Agos.  Mr Dink was best known for advocating Turkish-Armenian reconciliation and human and minority rights in Turkey.   Desmond Fernandes delivered a speech on the current persecution in Turkey. A speech by  Dr Suran Cam on the crypto-Armenians in Turkey was read in Turkey. Hiarbir Mari  spoke on the persecution of Baluchis  in occupied Baluchistan and  Wilson Chowdhry spoke on the abuses of Christians in Pakistan respectively.

To open Eilian Williams a welsh Christian of Armenian descent quoted from Rakel Dink wife of the slain humanitarian, to illustrate the experience of those Armenians who reside in the Turkish interior: 

"All the time up to today, we Armenians were humiliated, insulted for being Armenians; we heard people use the term Armenian as a curse. We heard it and we still keep hearing it as such in the newspapers, TV, birth registration offices, we hear it from public servants all the way to the highest authorities. "

He pointed out that Rakel did not find Justice in the conclusion of the trial this week.  Those within the deep state who were implicated in the terrble crime against Hrant's life were protected.

Baroness Randerson was reminded of Turkey's continual denial of the Armenian Genocide, when during the declining years the Ottoman Empire, over 1.5 million Armenian Christians were killed.  Wholesale massacres and forced marches for deportees designed to cause, fatigue, hunger and ultimately death are blamed for the huge loss of life, during a much recognised first modern genocide.  Descriptions of contemporary actions of violence and murder on dissidents and significant inequality for Armenians, painted an ugly picture of Turkish society.

Bishop Vahan Hovanessian from the Diocese of the Armenian Church of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, condemned the on-going denial and called for stronger Western Government intervention when tackling international persecution.  He said;

“As followers of a divine revelation, it is imperative for all believers in the Abrahamic religions to work together, despite their differences, in bringing peace to their communities and their world. It is only then that we can prove to the world that these religions are divinely-inspired and life-changing ways of living, and not man-made ideologies that can be hijacked to spread destruction, pain and war.”
Wilson Chowdhry from the British Pakistani Christian Association described the ongoing persecution and inequality faced by Pakistani Christians.  He spoke of the sacrifice of Shahbaz Bhatti the assassinated Federal Minister of Minorities, he described the unpleasant arrest and incarceration of Asia Bibi, of the threats to her safety and recent attempt to kill her in prison. Wilson explained that Christians fleeing Pakistan suffer frequent refusals when applying for asylum in the UK and called for recognition of human right breaches that have made life for minorities in Pakistan, comparable to depictions of hell.

Baroness Randerson was moved by the various talks and has asked for a transcript of the various talkers main points. 

Wilson Chowdhry said:

"The meeting was successful Baroness Randerson listened attentively and has agreed to review all the points made at the meeting.  Moreover Bishop Vahan Hovenessian has agreed to join the time of prayer at our protest and peace concert on the 10th March 2012.  A coming together of so many humanitarians is a formidable tool in the challenge to global oppression."

We call on our members to remember our Armenian brothers today the anniversary of the assassination of one of their loudest proponents.  RIP Hrant Dink a Martyr for his people and homeland.

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