Tuesday 3 January 2012

BPCA New Year Peace Resolution!

Scottish Pakistani Christians' Rufus and Persis Mall (siblings) submitting petitions at 10 Downing street for the new year!

 Wilson and rufus submitting a letter calling for introspection into existing relationships with the government of Pakistan.

The letter was submitted by Wilson calling for a response to defined concerns in Pakistan.

 Petitions were submitted by Rufus and Persis Mall.

British Pakistani Christians from Scotland and England met at 10 Downing Street, 1st January 2012.   

2012 is an important year for Britain in which it will celebrate Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee and one in which we carry the Olympic flame of peace and hope.  BPCA wanted to mark this important date, as a day to remember those suffering from global persecution as a consequence of their religious; habits, practices and beliefs.  

Collaborating with Christians in Scotland BPCA submitted petitions calling for a review of; Britain's relationship with Pakistan and other rogue nations with a poor record for human rights, Britain's existing border control policy that fails to recognise Asylum on the grounds of religious persecution and engagement with Pakistan over the increasing reports of girl abduction, rape and forced Islamic marriage.

A supporting letter was also submitted calling for a response to a number of highlighted concerns, including the freedom of press in Pakistan, lack of opportunity in employment and education for minorities in Pakistan and the ongoing extremism and conservatism that has culminated in manifestations of hatred and attacks on isolated, anxious and helpless Christian communities.

The petition was the first of the year and was duly submitted at 09:00 at the Prime Ministers residence.  No other petition was scheduled for New Year's day. It seems that the notion of starting the year as you mean to finish has often been overlooked. 

Wilson Chowdhry the chairman of the BPCA said;

"By setting this marker at the beginning of the year, we wanted to stimulate ardour amongst humanitarian groups working around the subject of religious persecution in Pakistan and more global communities.  Moreover, we wanted to ensure that during this important year for Britain, when much of what we do is consumed by the Olympics, that our Government would continue with the focus they have shown for the global persecuted church in recent years."

Persis Mall form the Scottish wing of the BPCA commented on the event;

"By joining our London colleagues we wanted to highlight that the love our community has for those in Pakistan was UK-wide. It sets a new years  resolution for our global family to take up the challenge and to be the change that will bring to fruition societal reform in Pakistan."

Things to look out for in 2012:

Our global early day motion to international parliaments:


Our protest on 10th March 2012:


    Philippians 3:13-14 
    No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to heaven. (NLT)

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