Sunday 8 January 2012

More on Khuran Masih

A little more information on the story last month about Khuran Masih :

Surprise, surprise, the false accusations of blasphemy started immediately after the mason had a row with his landlord / boss earlier in the day over rent. Khuran states the charges against him were false. The conflicting stories suggest a fraud. Part of the charges say that the landlord found a partially burnt Quran in a cavity in the wall, but Khuran says that the small house and courtyard he and his wife rented was cemented over and had no cavities anywhere. Initially his landlord thought both had done the deed, and some reports say both couple were arrested, although Khuran's account was that he did not know anything about the charges until he went to the police station to get his arrested wife, who was released after questioning by police. He hadn't even been at home at the time of the alleged 'incident'.

Khuran is greatly shaken, and is desperate for the safety of his wife, who at last report was sheltering with his relatives.

Once again, a typical pattern ensued, with Muslim leaders whipping up anti-Christian feeling and pre-empting justice by categorically stating to the mobs they created that the Christian couple 'have blasphemed and must be severely punished'. Although things calmed down after a couple of days, several Christian families left their homes in fear.

The legal counsel retained to fight Khuran Masih's case claimed that the police acted in an irregular fashion and not according to procedure as only higher ranking police officers can bring a blasphemy case. The officer in charge, Mian Shafqat, claims that they recovered burnt Quran pages and that they had 'proven' that Khuran intentionally burnt them.

Yeah, right! On past showing, BPCA strongly suspects that this 'proof' will be so much moon-shine. Once again, this case shows how open to abuse the perverse blasphemy laws are. A row with the landlord in the morning, accused of blasphemy that afternoon. Go figure!

Last word is that his trial is starting about now.

Please PRAY that justice will be done, and the wicked nature of the false allegations would be exposed.

1 comment:

  1. Father, confound the lies of Satan and bring to Christ all those that uttered them.
