Wednesday 8 February 2012

Dutch humanitarians join Pakistani Christians seeking an end to global persecution!

Julia de Blaauw from Global Human Rights Defence deliver rallying call for all humanitarians at the BPCA protest on the 10th March.  GHRD recently invited Wilson Chowdhry to speak at an European Union Conference in the EU Headquarters in November last year and now joins a number of MEP's interested in the work of the BPCA, since then. Our protest on the 10th March now has a global guest list that is set to launch our campaign for justice in Pakistan, to a new level.  To make this event a success we call on support from the wider Christian church and people with other faiths concerned about the ongoing global atrocities mankind faces.  We need you all to join us on the 25th and make your voices heard, only in unity will we have progress!

Biography – Julia de Blaauw, Human Rights Officer
Global Human Rights Defence, The Hague

Julia de Blaauw is a Human Rights Officer and Pakistan desk Officer at Global Human Rights Defence (GHRD), an international human rights organization working with minority groups in South Asia (India, Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh). GHRD’s objective is to strengthen and support ethnic, religious and social minorities in South Asia, through fact finding, documentation and advocacy, education and awareness raising and to strengthen the global dialogue between South Asian human rights defenders, NGOs and international organizations and stakeholders.

In her role at GHRD, Julia liases with GHRD’s local partner organizations in South Asia and coordinates human rights reporting and advocacy, she has also been involved in the organization of capacity building conferences in the region and GHRD’s yearly conference at the European Parliament in Brussels.

In recognition of International Women’s Day 2012, Julia will discuss the situation of women of minority religions in Pakistan, giving specific reference to the situation for domestic workers and housemaids and the high numbers of kidnappings and forced conversions of minority women. She will also discuss GHRD’s findings from a recent fact finding mission to the region of Pakistan Administered Kashmir and the situation for minorities living there.

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