Friday 24 August 2012


Sign our petition for Rimsha here:

We set up our protest from 19:00 - we soughta prominent position for the cross!

Our banner ensured people knew who we were!

Ooberfuse and other volunteers helped connect the PA system.

Flyers were given to the Public describing the story of  poor 11 year old Rimsha whi is facing a death sentence, due to a false blasphemy charge.

Wilson described the ongoing concerns in Pakistan that has made the lives of Minorities living there very unstable!

786 TV, GEO TV, BBC World Service and Pukaar News All filmed our event!

Proud Pakistanis displayed their national flag which includes a white band, designed into its image to represent minorities!

Over 60 people came despite only 2 days notification!

Ranbir Singh from the Hindu Human Rights Groups spoke of the situation facing Hindus and other minorities in Pakistan!

Cherrie and Hal from Ooberfuse singing "Turn the Tide"

Wilson Chowdhry AKA MC Wizard joined them during the pre-chorus rap!

Cherrie's dulcid tones reverberated with great passion creating a real emotional desire for justice!

BBC Asia Network (radio) interviewed Ooberfuse, Canon Yacub Masih, Wilson and others trying to ascertain the strength and depth of passion that demonstrators held for Rimsha's freedom.

By 8pm over 60 people created so much noise the Police asked us to stop the protest early.  We duly obliged as our message had been clearly delivered!

Mike Emberton from Aid to the Church in Need gave an emotional speech.

We also sang the Free Asia Bibi song.

Hal rapped for Freedom for Asia!

Wilson called for peace and introduced Javed Aqeel Khan a Muslim humanitarian from a Group called G.A. Pakistan.  Javed called for an end to the misuse of Islam for personal gain and challenged the Pakistani Government to intervene on behalf of Rimsha.

Free Asia Bibi wrist bands were selling like hotcakes.  Visitors simply wanted to be a part of the necessary vehicle for change to improve Pakistan!

Within 24 hours of releasing the song Turn the Tide, protesting the release of 11 year old Down's syndrome Christian girl in Pakistan, Ooberfuse's music video received over 25,000 hits on Youtube. The statistic demonstrates the growing concern for the safety of Rimsha Masih. The song can be listened to here:

Turn the Tide highlights the plight of young Rimsha Masih arrested by the police, under pressure from the mob, last Thursday at Mehrabadi village, on the outskirts of Islamabad.  It was first sung live outside the Pakistan Embassy, during a 2 hour demonstration from 7pm organised by the BPCA last Wednesday, 22 August calling for freedom for Rimsha.  Lead humanitarians from a variety of faiths spoke out in unity seeking an end to the ongoing injustice.

Cherrie, ooberfuse front-woman, says “We wrote the song to express our support for Rimsha Masih and her family. We stand in solidarity with them and we hope that the blasphemy charges against her are dismissed.”

Hal, from ooberfuse, adds: “When is this madness going to end? The intolerance of the Islamic majority towards non-Muslim faiths in countries like Pakistan is staggering. The blasphemy law gives legal credence to preposterous claims from disgruntled disaffected members of the community that Islam has somehow been defamed. These claims are very often fabricated by extremists hell-bent of inciting religious hatred against peace-loving minorities. How can it be right for a fragile vulnerable girl to be forced to take on the might of the state apparatus of the Pakistan nation. Her future and the future of her family and fellow Christians lies in the hands of the police and the judiciary who in the past have colluded with Islamic fundamentalists to exact violence and death on unprotected minorities. ”

Wilson Chowdhry, aka Wizard MC, from BPCA, says: “this intolerance has sunk to new levels of depravity with the incarceration of a juvenile girl with physical disabilities. The founding father of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, said in his 1947 inaugural speech :‘You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the State.’ Turn the Tide is inspired by his words and the tragic story of a defenceless disabled girl called Rimsha.”


  1. Hey, Troisnyx here! ^_^
    Out of curiosity, will we know when the filmed footage will be released, if it's gonna be released at all?

