Wednesday 29 August 2012

Muslim Ulema groups stand up for Rimsha?

According to the Guardian newspaper some Muslim groups in Pakistan are now coming out in support of Rimsha.  This is potentially a significant development which the BPCA welcomes, but with caution.  We have seen words from politicians before, but deeds - consistent deeds - are the only thing that will really count.

According to the report the All Pakistan Ulema Council, described as an umbrella group of clerics and scholars, called for justice, and for those who made false allegations of blasphemy to be punished.  They warned that 'the law of the jungle' was gripping Pakistan.  Their spokesman, Tahir  Ashrafi, stated that they didn't want to see injustice done on anyone and wanted to end the climate of fear.

In what is hopefully a significant sign, Ashrafi is part of leadership group of another umbrella group called Defence of Pakistan Council, which includes thinly disguised banned extremist organisations. Another group suspected of violence against Ahmahdi's called Khatm-e-Nubuwwat has also issued condemnation.

These are the first time that Muslim groups have called for justice for Christians in this way.  BPCA welcomes these statements, but only if they become far more than mere words.

1 comment:

  1. رمشا کیس فیکٹ فائنڈنگ رپورٹ
    اہتمام انسانی حقوق کی تنظیم ایمنسٹی پاکستان
    تحقیقاتی ٹیم ارشد سلہری،رانا تحمل،رابعہ نورین
    سے صرف ایک سو گز کے فاصلہ پر ہ
