Friday 31 August 2012

Glasgow protest on Scottish TV, Manchester protest tomorrow

Today Pakistani and other Scottish Christians, as well as other people concerned for human rights in Pakistan, gathered to protest outside the Pakistani consulate in Glasgow, and to lodge a protest about Rimsha.  

Scottish TV reporters were there and it featured on the news, showing the protest, covering something of the background to the case and for Pakistani Christians situation in general.  

They included a brief snippet of interview with Wilson Choudhry, who talked about the devastating effects the situation has on Rimsha's Christian neighbours.  

Unfortunately, it also included a quote from a Christian cleric that was inaccurate.  Rimsha was not charged and sentenced yesterday.  She has been remanded in custody, as the police have appealed for more time to investigate, and the prosecuting lawyer has challenged the medical report, claiming it was illegal and was a result of Rimsha 'colluding' with the state.  Appallingly, the same lawyer has openly called for Rimsha to be killed extra-judicially if the courts acquit her.  

The BPCA is holding another protest tomorrow outside the Manchester consulate from 12-3 pm.  Scottish Pakistani Christians rallied at Glasgow with less than 24 hours notice.  We are calling for as many Pakistani Christians in the North of England as possible to turn out in support of your brothers and sisters in Pakistan.  

The consulate address is Pakistan House  137 Dickenson Road, Rusholme, Manchester M14 5JB.  

We look forward to seeing many of you there.

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