Wednesday 22 August 2012

Gun attack on church, Christian teenager drowned, Islamicists extort money from Christian community

Location of Essa Nagri (City of Jesus) in Karachi

Although the world's media is focusing on the case of Ramsha, the young girl arrested for 'blasphemy' amidst a cleric-incited hate mob demanding she be burnt alive, this is but one case among many.  Here we give several more recent visits.

BPCA has received reports that at 2am today, 21st August unknown gunman sprayed St Matthews church, in the Pehlwan goth Gulistan-e- Jahur area of Karachi leaving the local Christians in fear and the front of the church damaged.  According to local sources, there have been several attacks on Christian properties and churches in the area in the past year or so.


In addition, in Islamabad, there a reports that a teenage Christian boy called Waiz Masih, believed to be 14 years old, was killed near a police station.  He was sitting by the Lai Canal when some Muslim boys started arguing with him about religion and then started beating him until he was unconscious, and then threw him into the canal, where he drowned.  His body was recovered on Sunday August 19th.

From the same source there is news of a 20 year old named Salman Masih in the Gahindra District of Shaikhupura has been shot and badly wounded by a neighbour, Mohammed Khalil, who had apparently been aggressive against Mr Masih, telling him to get his foot of his grounds.  (Many Pakistan Muslims believe that Christians and Hindus are unclean and dirty, and any contact is defiling).


In addition, further to our recent article about death threats to a Christian rights activist, in Karachi, we have now received news from a Karachi church leader that on the 13th August a Jirga (local council of elders) accused the whole Essa Nagri Christian community (Essa Nagri is the largest Christian slum / community in Karachi) of blasphemy and along with threats imposed a fine on this impoverished community of over £670 and two goats.  This tactic is one being used by Islamicists the world over, a way of enforcing the concept of jizya - tax on 'unbelievers'.  It is one way that these terror-related extremist groups get their funds to operate.

Source - senior church leader in Karachi

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