Friday 31 August 2012

Hate speech in state text books increases by 270% in three years

A study by the National Commission for Justice and Peace (NCJP) on all ages of state textbooks in Punjab revealed that the instances of hate-speech and indoctrination in such allegedly 'moderate' texts has risen by over 270% in just three years since 2009.  These include instances in grade 1 textbooks, the youngest age.

Their report is entitled 'Education or Promotion of Hatred' and backs up why the BPCA is so concerned that the UK appears to be pouring funds indiscriminately into Pakistani literacy programs.   At the launch report one speaker, Dr Mehdi Hasan, of the School of Media and Communication dean at the Beaconhouse National University, claimed that in Pakistan, Muslims posed a greater threat to fellow Muslims than to non-Muslims.   He stated that Islamic seminaries, which educated only 4% of students, were less of a threat than schools where hate material advocating intolerance was being taught to children as young as grade 1.

Another speaker, Wajahat Masood, an assistant professor, noted that hate content and distortion of history was evident in Pakistani literature as well as curricula.  And Irfan Mufti said that such hate content spoke volumes about an intolerant society.   'Hate content will turn our children into intolerant individuals'.  A sentiment with which the BPCA heartily agrees


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