Thursday 20 September 2012

Christian girl tortured by Muslim master

Sumbal Masih - photo World Vision in Progress

On 14th September, this girl, Sumbal Masih, aged 15 or 16, was working as a maid in the house of one Mr Adeel in Lahore, along with her younger sister Sadaf and cousin Rabiya.  She was watching the TV in the house when Mr Adeel came and beat her with iron rods or pipes, and then took her to the washroom (toilet?) and tortured her terribly.  Her sister, cousin and other servants heard her desperate cries and rushed to try and help but were prevented by Mr Adeel sent them away.  After this the cousin rushed to get Sumbal's parents,  and when they arrived outside along with human rights workers, Mr Adeel and his family claimed that Sumbal had 'run away from the house'.  They also refused to let the younger daughter go to her family.  After two hours the Adeel's allowed the girl's mother in the house.  After the police were called, Mr Adeel let the mother and Sadaf go, but kept making excuses about Sumbal.  The Human Rights group 'World Vision in Progress' has filed a rescue petition for the rescue of minor Sumbal at a Lahore court.

Wilson Chowdhry of the BPCA said :
Yet again we have violence against a teenage Christian maid.  The fact that the family are refusing her mother access is very disturbing.  What are they covering up?  Is it the fact that the girl was murdered, as in a recent case where a senior lawyer in the same city tortured to death a young Christian girl servant?  Is it to try and concoct a story about her condition, or has she been raped and forced to marry and convert as so many young Christian girls are?  Whatever the situation, it can't be good, and we call upon the police and courts to act speedily and thoroughly and without regard to threats or the faith of the perpetrator.  



  1. Wilson , Today WVIP has got the direction from the Ad.session judge for registration of FIR against Mrs. Adeel...

  2. Wilson , Today WVIP has got the direction from the Ad.session judge for registration of FIR against Mrs. Adeel...

  3. Harrycye can you give us a full update at
