Monday 17 September 2012

Christians machine-gunned in Karachi

Nasir Masih

Rafi Masih

These are two most recent fatalities of the slow massacre of Christians in Essa Nagri, Karachi.  According to local human rights workers, heavy machine guns and advanced weaponry were used in the attack.  Naturally, the community is even more depressed and distraught, even though an FIR has been lodged, as they don't expect any action, just like there has been none in the last two fatal attacks this month, due to police being intimidated by the strength of the terrorists in the area.
Liaquat Munawir of MASS called for police to search the area around Essa Nagri to seek out the perpetrators.  He is also calling on all human rights and Christian groups as well as governments and the UN to put pressure on the Pakistani Government to protect the Christians in Essa Nagri.

Wilson Chowdhry of the BPCA said;

"The lawlessness in Karachi is already well documented, yet in recent weeks it seems that what little rule of law existed in the region, has now been completely removed. Suffering Christians of Essa Nagri seem to be the worst hit community in the area.  The large amount of extortion money that has been exacted from them has left many penniless and homeless and others simply biding time till the same fate befalls them.  Unless the government intervenes to assist this beleaguered community, I fear that just like the former population of Jews living in Karachi, Christians will be forced to flee entirely.  Their their possessions and property will simply be looted and usurped by the avarice Muslim mobs already calling for their complete annihilation."

Source - Pastors / Human Rights workers in Karachi

1 comment:

  1. "Right" either means this blogger is correct or that they lean right. .... tyrants alike, and us patriots have had just about enough of your tyrannical ways and that tree is looking a mite thirsty. ..... Never doubting his mission he had no regrets ...
    Thirst missions
