Friday 21 September 2012

Church and school attacked in retaliatory action against anti-muslim film!

Actual image of burning Mardan Church.

Islamic extremists have attacked St Paul's Church in Mardan Pakistan and an adjoining School 21st September 2012.  Many believe the stimulus was the government announced day of protest against an anti-Islam film. 

A Muslim mob said to be around 8000 strong raided the Christians complex and set the Church, the homes of two priest an adjacent School and adjoining Head Teacher's home on fire.  They have looted these premises, taking everything from newly installed computers to chairs and whatever seemed valuable from them. 

Muslims desecrated Bibles and religious artifacts especially many which are used in the most holy ceremonies within the Anglican church.  Many were brought out into the public compound of  the Church and were set on fire. 

The BPCA is concerned that similar incidents will reverberate throughout Pakistan. 

Wilson Chowdhry of the BPCA said;

"No Christian in Pakistan is safe, hostility towards our communities there have been exacerbated by Rimsha Masih's high profile blasphemy case and the release of a movie in America, that reportedly blasphemes against Islam's prophet Mohammed.  Any community whether in a city or in a more rural location can at any time become the target of similar aggression. We call on Pakistani Christians to terminate their protests in support of a ban of this movie - they have simply made you targets for retaliation.  Please keep as low a profile as possible whilst the rampage continues."

Mardan is a major city in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, located about 38 miles east of Peshawar.  Local authorities say they have arrested about 50 people in their investigation.


  1. In the back drop of today's protests in Pakistan on the making of a Blasphemous film on Prophet Mohammad in US, I wonder if a "Prophet's" position can ever be degraded due to the bigot attitude of others who dont believe in him?
    26 were killed today, over a 100 wounded, uncountable number of vehicles burnt or destroyed, one Church burnt in Mardan in the North along with the school, a computer training, houses of the clergy and staff, public and property worth billions destroyed and set on fire, banks looted and so on.
    How does that satisfy the faith of a person?

  2. St. Paul Lutheran Church in Mardan burnt by angry mob protesting against the anti-Islam film. 8,000-strong mob broke into the Church compound.

    Angry mob set the Church on fire along with two Pastor Houses and the adjacent Head-Teacher’s house of the local Christian school. The Christian school has been looted. Newly-installed computers have been stolen.

    The Bishop of Peshawar Rt. Rev. Humphrey Peters has appealed for support from the Anglican Communion condemned the attack: “The damage has been very severe, and we will need to rebuild. We are asking for people around the world to keep us in your prayers”

  3. History is witness that when and where they are in Power they doing the same which they did last night in Mardan. Please SAY all truth about them and stop feeding milk to them. If the get power like USA, they will kill all other communities.

    Wilson Chowdhry is very right, wen he say.

    "No Christian in Pakistan is safe"

  4. This is so sad. This was a respected church that helped Muslims and Christians. I'm told there is money donated to help fund the restoration of this church.
