Thursday 13 September 2012

Marathon Protest Sunday 16 Septmember 2012 in London by Hindu Human Rights Group

HHR Press Release : Marathon Hindu Solidarity Protests on 16/09/12


On 16 September 2012 HHR will join with other Hindus and Hindu organisations in what will prove to be a marathon series of protests and prayers across London. Not one but five are planned one after another to highlight issues that should be of concern to Hindus worldwide.We request all Hindus to attend.
INDIAN HIGH COMMISSION (10.30 am to 11.45 am) India House Aldwych  London WC2B 4NA
The recent attacks on Bodos and others in the state of Assam is going unpunished by the Indian government. This is despite the fact that religiously motivated violence is being carried out by illegal infiltrators from Bangladesh who come to India with the express purpose of ethnically cleansing Hindus and others from their ancestral homelands in the north-east of the country.
Government inaction mirrors the situation in Kashmir where the entire indigenous Pandit community was ordered out in 1989 at the point of a gun and remain languishing in refugee camps while the world averts its gaze.
The last several years has also seen the systematic killings of Hindu activists in Communist controlled Kerala going unnoticed in the mainstream Indian Media and ignored by the central ruling Government. This contrasts with how quickly the same Indian government arrested anti-corruption protests by Swami Ramdev and clamped down in social networking sites. Nearest Tube : Holborn
BANGLADESH HIGH COMMISSION for Hindu Prayer Vigil for victims   (12.30 pm to 1.30 pm)
The same infiltrators who openly express their desire to displace Hindus in north-east India come from a country that was actually liberated by their larger neighbour in 1971 after intense campaign of terror, rape and genocide by Pakistan which candidly targeted the population of what is now Bangladesh in an openly racist operation. A vast majority of Hindus were among the 3 million dead which included Muslims. But after independence Hindus in Bangladesh have been systematically wiped out or forced to seek refuge in India.Again both India and the world at large averts its gaze as if nothing has taken place. Nearest Tube : Gloucester Rd or South Kensington
PAKISTAN HIGH COMMISSION( 2.15 pm to 4.00 pm ) 34-36 Lowndes Square, Knightsbridge SW1X 9JN
The founding of this state was marked by well-known massacres which saw the Hindu population almost exterminated. Those that remain must battle against a legal status as third-class citizens in the land of their birth. They must also deal with a host of petty discriminatory laws and their very lives hang in the balance with the use of blasphemy laws which specifically encourage the persecution of minority groups. Hindus are subject to rape, forcible conversion and above all kidnapping for ransom and conversion in the province of Sindh. As the world averts its gaze the minute Hindu minority of Pakistan dwindles even further as the remnants of a once flourishing community silently vote with their feet when possible.Nearest Tube : Knightsbridge
MALAYSIA HIGH COMMISSION (4.25 pm to 5.30 pm) 45-46 Belgrave Square
London SW1X 8QT

Right from independence in 1957 Hindus have been treated as second-class citizens in Malaysia both due to their religion and ethnicity. Most are descendants of indentured labour brought to work the rubber plantations where many continue to reside in utter destitution and poverty. Not only does the government discriminate them as minority Indians but a systematic campaign has been waged to demolish Hindu temples which date back over a hundred years to the arrival of indentured labourers who helped make lay the foundations of Malaysia economy. Short walk from Pakistan High Commission (.Nearest Tube : Knightsbridge
SRI LANKA at Marble Arch for Hindu Prayer Vigil for Victims( 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm under the Arch)

The war with separatist Tamil Tigers saw the Sri Lankan military destroy Hindu shrines, temples and engage in a brutal campaign to exterminate the Tamil population. Often called a civil war this was in fact an utterly racist conflict in which the minority  community were targeted as both Tamils and Hindus, an unwanted ‘foreign’ Indian import. Again this side of the conflict is ignored. Nearest Tube : Marble Arch..
Please bring Banners and Placards : The london weather is unpredictable so dont forgot the umbrella .Thanks HHR

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HHR Communications Director : Amitabh Soni  on 07787-305060 :

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