Monday 8 October 2012

Sister of Rimsha sheds tears over the treatment of her family!

Rimsha's sister Mehwish Saleem describes her pain at being prevented from seeing Rimsha and her parents.

Today we received a report back from the intrepid Shamim Masih who yesterday met with Rimsha's sister. He had spoken to Wilson over the weekend and they both agreed it would be of great benefit to meet with Rimsha's family to gain better insight of the pain they feel and  to create a global empathy amongst our BPCA   family of readers.

It is so easy to forget that the treatment Rimsha has received affects so many others and many of the most affected are her nearest and dearest.

Rimsha Maish has a married sister her name is Mehwish Saleem and she is now 20 years of age.  Mehwish has been in anguish since the initial accusation and arrest of Rimsha.  Living with her in-laws she has not been able to meet with her biological family as much as she would have liked to.  She has been unable to provide solace to her mother and father barring a few telephone calls and limited visits during the incipient phase of this case.

In a frank interview Mehwish said;

"I miss my sister and parents so much, this whole episode has been gut wrenching.  I just wanted to hug Rimsha but never even got to speak with her."

In tears she added;

"I prayed frevently for her to receive bail and God answered my prayers. I thought this would be an opportunity for me to meet my siblings and parents again, but so far I have not even been able to speak over the phone with them."

Mehwish was visited by her maternal aunt, Parveen Bibi, while Shamim visited. The family had a moment of reflection over readings from the bible (Psalm 40) and prayer, they gave thanks to God for the mercy he has shown to Rimsha.

Parveen Bibi said;

"I do not even now where my sister, my niece and the rest of this side of my family are staying.  We are normally so close and I now feel as if an arm has been ripped of my body." 

She commented further;

"The only reason I know anything about them is due to the frequent news stories.  I am watching the news more than I ever have before - I just want to know that they are safe."

Mehwish described the anguish and pain she feels that keeps her awake most nights.  She is calling for a chance to be reunited with her family even for a few moments.  She said;

"I don't know what will happen to them it seems liek so many people hate my poor sister and family.  They have done no wrong?  Please Paul Bhatti let me see Rimsha and my parents again."

Mehwish and Parveen feel failed by the system and hope that justice will prevail and that their family will one day be reunited and allowed to rebuild their lives.

According to Mehwish (Rimsha's sister) their family members are as follows:

Misrak Masih (father)
Irshad Bibi (mother)
Mehwish Saleem (married sister)
Sehrish Adeel      (married sister) lives in Gujranwala
Mishal Masih (Sister lives with current family)
Rimsha Masih (accused)
Nihal Masih (Sister)
Anosh (younger brother)

Shamim interviews Mehwish.

Parveen Bibi (Maternal aunt to Rimsha), Shamim Masih and Mehwish Saleem.

Families from Rimsha Masih's home town are continuing to be threatened, are jobless and still require assistance.  Please continue to call and pray for compensation and a restoration of peace for these families.

The BPCA would appreciate any further donations towards the daily needs of these families, who are in need of a lot more support.  If you believe someone you know would be willing to contribute please send this request to them.  

If you would like to contribute to this "Rimsha Masih Fund" (Please use the fund name as a reference) you can pay in several ways;

Firstly by using the PayPal facility on the top right hand corner of our blog. Just click the yellow oval with the words donate and follow instructions. 

You can also send your contributions by cheque payable to;

British Pakistani Christian Association.
Address : British Pakistani Christian Association
57 Green Lane
IG1 1XG 

Alternatively should you wish you can pay by BACS, direct debit or standing order by paying into the following account details: 

Sort Code: 20-67-90 
Account Number: 63468976 


  1. Mr.Shamim and Mr.Wilson why you just bothering about Rimsha and not Khuram who is also involved in same offence.What you will do for them?Nothing except reporting!
