Thursday 25 October 2012

Unlawfully detained Indian National released by Pakistani authorities today!

Released today Bhavesh Parmar

Jas Uppal from Justice Upheld informs us of the release of unlawfully detained Indian National MR Bhavesh Parmar.  Read more below:

I am delighted to inform you that Mr Bhavesh Kantilal Parmar, an Indian national unlawfully detained by the  Pakistani authorities  for the last 6 years will be released on Thursday 25th of October 2012.
Mr Parmar's mother, Mrs Hansa Parmer will be meeting him  at  the  Attari Border in Amritsar during the course of tomorrow morning.

I am grateful to the Indian Embassy in Islamabad Pakistan and Mr Krishna Hegede MP (India) for eventually responding to the information forwarded to them and for taking action by putting pressure on the Pakistani authorities to release Mr Parmar.
Sadly, I am in receipt of  fresh instructions in relation two other Indian nationals unlawfully detained in Pakistan. Preliminary information received suggests that  they are both Indian Prisoners of War captured by the Pakistani army during the 1970's Indo-Pak war. Both men have been subjected to torture, inhumane and degrading treatment during their lengthy and unlawful detention. Further, both men lack mental capacity. They were identified by their respective families in India from the  information smuggled out by a recently released Indian civilian prisoner and subsequently published by the media.
Jas Uppal 

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