Friday 16 November 2012

Our Initial Sunday School delivery to Mardan Church

Shamim Masih and School teachers prepare gifts for the children of Mardan.

Shamim Masih travelled to Mardan 11th November 2012 - where the Christian community is still reeling form the Arson attack that saw their church, school and 27 homes burned to the ground or irreparably damaged.  His mission was to distribute Christmas gifts to children of the area following a number of cash contributions from our members.  

Over 40 children of different age groups were provided with colourful Christmas gift bags with a number of presents including; colouring books, colour pencils, razors, sharpeners, lead pencils, pouches, candies, chocolates, and other items.  

Shamim informs us that the children were very excited and pleased, they had been feeling very scared following the attack on their community and the gifts gave them much encouragement.  The good mannered children also received the gifts graciously and were very welcoming to Shamim, who has now visited three times.

The BPCA has now received 8kgs of books, Sunday school material, bibles and stationary and needs only another 2Kg of items so that we can send these to Pakistan before Christmas on a bulk delivery discount.  We appeal to churches, groups and individuals to please send any unwanted or spare sunday school literature, or stationary so that we might send our gifts across to this community in anticipation without much further delay.  If you can help please use the following details:

Please send us books, paints, blank and lined paper, colouring pencils, sharpeners, felt and other resources that we might compensate this church for what was taken for them.  Please do not be concerned about sending too much as any excess will be delivered to other churches in Pakistan.  Books can be in English or Urdu/Panjabi.

Items should be sent to our address as follows:

British Pakistani Christian Association
57 Green Lane

If you would like to contribute financially to the rebuilding of lives in Mardan then please use the following details:

The BPCA has launched a fund to assist with security for this community and aid for the occupants of the homes  looted and burnt in this attack. 

"Mardan Church Fund" (Please use the fund name as a reference) you can pay in several ways;
Pay by using the PayPal facility on the top right hand corner of our blog and electronic means of transfer will be initiated when you click donate written in the yellow oval. 

You can also send your contributions by cheque payable to;

"British Pakistani Christian Association"  Use address above.

Alternatively should you wish you can pay by BACS, direct debit or standing order by paying into the following account details: 

Sort Code: 20-67-90 
Account Number: 63468976

Christmas has come early and necessarily so!

Many of these children will receive little else for Christmas.

Our work continues but more help is needed.

Not often receiving gifts makes you nervous when it happens!

Gifts were graciously accepted by obedient children.

Boys and girls met with our version of Santa - Papa Shamim.

Over 40 children received gifts.

Christmas is not always as bright as it is in Britain but we did what we could to bring some joy for the season.

Shamim has spoken of the joy he felt at bringing joy to these impoverished young ones.

Only God knows what would have happened to these children if present in the school during the arson attack in Mardan that left this community's; school, Church and homes derelict.  Their vulnerability is evident in their young age.

Many young children were surprised at the gifts as they thought they had been forgotten.

Shamim spent a day at the school preparing the gifts, meeting the children and encouraging staff.

Together the children exhibited so much joy.

Shamim is ready to make this dangerous journey again to help this beleaguered community.

Christmas will have some joy now for these children but huge resources are needed to get families back on their feet.

Teachers form the school thanked contributors and the BPCA for the gifts.


  1. This sounds great! The future relies upon more a secular Pakistan so minorities can live in freedom.
    a human rights activists who appeared to be greatly respected per the article on his achievements but I fail to see the tangible results. (Working on India and Pakistan is foreign policy). Hindu & christian forced conversions is intolerable in Pakistan...

  2. Iqbal Haider did a lot for fighting for human rights in Pakistan. Good person. It just goes to show that that the rights of the individual is a foreign concept and difficult to change in mindset.
