Monday 31 December 2012

Christian couple dies in jail - medical treatment denied

Pakistan's blasphemy laws are notorious.  However, in Pakistan's deeply corrupt judicial system, there are other ways of persecuting Christians - for instance by getting them convicted for life on other grounds using false evidence.

According to Shamim Masih, this is what happened in the case of a Christian man, Parvaiz Masih, who died in prison on 29th December after prison authorities denied him proper medical treatment for his diabetes, citing 'security issues' as the reason for this deadly decision.

Parvaiz Masih and his wife were arrested for allegedly smuggling Hasheesh by Pakistan's Anti-Narcotic Force as they were driving to their hometown.  However, they were adamant that they were innocent and that the police planted the evidence (a tactic that hasn't been unknown by Western police forces either).  Seven years ago, both were sentenced to life imprisonment.

The tragedy is compounded by the fact that his wife died in hospital a few months ago (causes not given), thus meaning that now their three children, named in reports as Danish, Aanan and Hina, have not only had their parents stolen into prison, but they are now orphaned.

Denying Christians proper medical treatment in prison is a far from unknown tactic in Pakistan, and many Christians have died in murky circumstances in Pakistani prisons.


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