Saturday 29 December 2012

Muslim Mob attacks Christians at Christmas day service

According to the Pakistan Christian Post, the administration and media in Pakistan's capital have deliberately suppressed news of a quite serious incident in Islamabad on Christmas day.  A group of approximately 100 Muslim extremists arrived in Iqbal town area of Islamabad at about 12 noon just as Christians from various churches were emerging from Christmas day services.  They were armed with machine guns, pistols and sticks or clubs, and attacked women, men and children, injuring at least 16 of them, 4 quite seriously.  Two suffered bullet wounds - in one case multiple bullet wounds, and one fell to the ground and was beaten mercilessly by the mob.

Apparently tensions were high and security (supposedly) tight due to an Islamic cleric issuing a Fatwa banning Muslims from participating in Christmas.  Whilst claiming that Muslims should be tolerant of other religions, even this 'moderate' statement reveals disturbing attitudes about Christian women, when it says :
'Muslims can eat their (ie Christian) food and are allowed to marry chaste women of Christians but Christmas cannot be celebrated by Muslims' 
The police came and arrested two Muslims out of the 100+, and then registered an FIR against 25 unknown and 4 named Muslims.  However, one of the two Muslims arrested was released a few hours later.  In the meantime, the police set up blockades around Christian areas, meaning that besieged Christians were unable to go out and get essential supplies on Christmas day, although this was later lifted after police constable and Christian Basharat Khokhar rushed to intervene.

The article notes that the police 'were not arresting Muslim attackers but twisting incident in communal riots.' 

And suppressing the news of the attacks with machine guns, apparently.


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