Tuesday 26 February 2013

Pakistan's first ever Blasphemy law victim to speak at BPCA Protest and Trafalgar Square Peace Concert 2nd March 2013

The BPCA holds its annual protest and peace concert on the 2nd March 2012, at various locations across London.    

(click here for more details)

This year we have a particularly special guest visitor in Daniel Scott the first ever victim of the ilslamized version of Section 295b&c.  Here is his biography:

Daniel Scot was born and educated in Pakistan. He excelled as a student and in time became a Mathematics Professor in University Colleges in Pakistan. He has been involved in sharing his faith with Muslims since 1965 when he was in high school.

It was the active sharing of his faith that resulted in him being the first individual to be charged under Pakistan’s infamous Blasphemy Law (295C) in 1986. Some Muslims used this law in an attempt to silence Daniel.  He was hunted by a large number of people who were intent on killing him. However, God used the situation to bring Daniel and 120 other church leaders face to face with Late General Zia ul- Haq  who was not only the initiator of the Blasphemy Law but also the President of Pakistan. During this time Daniel declined all invitations to accept Islam, an action, which would have spared him from persecution and the risk of death.

Daniel was delivered from the life-threatening situation that he found himself in and was able to flee Pakistan, followed by his family two and half years later. In Australia, Daniel began to teach mathematics in 1988 to 1994, after six years of teaching and research at the University of Queensland, he saw the need for inter-faith dialogue to eradicate misunderstandings between Christians and Muslims. Since that time Daniel has devoted himself to religious matters - teaching Christians about Islam and Muslims about Christianity & Islam (many Muslims know very little about what really the Qur’an and Hadith teach).

The Board of Directors of Ibrahim Ministries International Inc. (IMI) has appointed Daniel and Mariat Scot as directors.  Ibrahim is the name of Abraham from the Bible, a name that Jews, Christians and Muslims consider to be pivotal in their respective religions.

Daniel and Mariat teach in many different Colleges and Seminaries in Australia and overseas.  They strongly believe that people ought to live out their faith with a clear understanding of what their faith teaches.  As a result, they have been involved in full-time research and teaching on Islam since 1994 throughout Africa, Australia, America, Asia and Europe (over fifty nations). 

In 2002, Daniel was charged with vilification of Muslims for teaching Christians about the Qur’an, Hadith, Life of Muhammad and how to explain Christianity in a way that Muslims will understand; he was found guilty by a judge at Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).  In appeal to the Supreme Court, three judges found the VCAT judgment to be in gross error and awarded Daniel half the costs. The case lasted for five years and seven months but both parties came to an agreement out of court:
The right of each other, their communities and all persons, within the limits provided for by law, to robustly debate religion, including the right to criticise the religious belief of another, in a free, open and democratic society.

Increasingly, Daniel’s advice is being sought by politicians and other civic and church leaders, throughout the world. He spoke a group of police offices and sheriffs in California concerning Islam. In February 2005 he has addressed members at the House of Lords, and the House of Commons in London, when the British Parliament was considering the introduction of Religious Vilification type laws ‘Hate Crime’. He has also addressed politicians and very senior national politicians and their advisors in the Netherlands, USA, Sweden, Norway and Australia.  Daniel addressed the UN Human Rights Committee in Geneva in March 2007 on the rights of freedom of religion and speech for minorities groups. In April 2007 at a three days ‘Deliberation Australia’ he was on a panel in the Old Parliament House in Canberra where some of the sessions were chaired by Bob Hawk, the ex-Prime Minister of Australia. The same year Daniel was given a prestigious International award by ‘Kairos Journal’, for refusing to compromise his pointed and informed assessment of Islam in the face of prosecution in Australia. Daniel is an accredited pastor with the Assemblies of God and also serves as the advisor on Islam for Christian Solidarity Worldwide.

Daniel currently has published work (A Summary of the Qur’an, ISBN: 0-646-43900-6); (Share the Gospel with Muslims, ISBN 9-780-980 324419); Windows into the Qur’an, ISBN 978-0-9803244-2-b and hopefully five other books are due for release by the end of the year or early next year. In total Daniel has written twelve book, five books related to the Qur’an and seven on other subjects related to Islam.

Some of the courses that Daniel teaches:
¨            Middle Eastern Culture and how to explain the Gospel (National Christian Leaders).
¨            Introduction to Islam: One Week Intensive course (Master level).
¨            Introduction to the Qur’an: One Week Intensive course (Missionaries to Muslims).
¨            Understanding Islam to Reach Muslims: Two Weeks Intensive course (Missionaries to Muslims)
¨            Apologetics: One Week Intensive course (Master level).
¨            Introduction to Islam: Three Days intensive course (Post graduate).
¨            Introduction to the Qur’an: One Day intensive course.
¨            Introduction to Islam: One Day intensive course.
¨            On Islam –Practical Aspects: Two Weeks intensive course (Post graduate).
¨            Understanding Islam to Reach Muslims: Nine Weeks (Diploma level).
¨            A Christian Introduction to Islam: Twenty Weeks (Lay people and Missionaries).
¨            Ministry to Muslim Women: One Week course (25 Lectures)
¨            Various lectures at Oklahoma Wesleyan University in Bartlesville, Oklahoma.

More sensitive institutes are not listed; a sample of Institutes where courses have been taught since 1995:
¨            Haggai Institute, Singapore & Hawaii, USA [1997-2003].
¨            Summer Institute of Muslim Studies, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA [1999].
¨            International Institute for the Study of Islam and Christianity, UK [1995, 1996].
¨            Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Baguio, Philippines [2000].
¨            Youth With A Mission, Brisbane and Canberra, Australia [1998-2005].
¨            World Harvest Institute, Southern Cross College, Sydney, Australia [2001-2004]. 
¨            Queensland Baptist College of Ministries, Brisbane, Australia [1998-2006].
¨            Jubilee International Christian College, Brisbane, Australia [1996-1999].
¨            Bible College of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia [1999-2011].
¨            Ibrahim Ministries International, Brisbane, Australia [1998-2006].
¨            Harvest Bible College, Melbourne, Australia [2002, 2011-2012].
¨            International Christian College (previously: Asian Pacific Institute), Brisbane, Australia [2000-2012].
¨            Conferences and Seminars arranged by Arabic Christian Prospective based in Anaheim California [2000-2010].
¨            Oklahoma Wesleyan University [2012]
¨            And many others such as Leading the Way (LTW) [2011]; and Voice of the Martyrs (VOM), [2011-2012].

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