Saturday 16 February 2013

The Talibanization of Karachi

In every area of Pakistan, extremist groups are increasingly gaining influence, and the general public mood is increasingly headed in their direction.  It is harder and harder to distinguish extremists from general society, and whereas before, many attacks on Christians were largely to be laid at the door of extremists, more and more they are being done by ordinary Pakistani citizens.

Lawless Karachi is a case in point, with the Taliban gaining more and more control in this, Pakistan's largest city and major port.  As well as the many and continuing attacks on the Christian slum Essa Nagri which we reported on last year, there was another attack that killed two Christians who had the misfortune to be crossing the road when some gangsters from one of the political parties where protesting about the targeted killing of one of their own members.  As well as Taliban controlling some areas of Karachi, there are repeated assassinations and gun fights between the enforcers of various political parties, with the police either caught in the middle, or police stations taking the side of one particular political party or another.  

There have been at least 2000 such killings in 2012, and over 100 in the first few weeks of this year.  

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