Sunday 17 March 2013

People of good conscience met in Centenary Square, Bradford, to oppose the poor human rights record in Pakistan

Christians, Muslim's, Hindus, Sikhs and those with no particular faith joined a protest to appeal for better human rights in Pakistan.

Saturday 16th March was the date set for lead humanitarians from the north of England to appeal for better Human rights in Pakistan.  Members of the Amaddiyah, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh and secular communities in Bradford, Huddersfield, Manchester and other Northeren cities, spoke about a range of atrocities that have shamed Pakistan throughout the world.   Three local Muslim Councillors of Pakistani origin (including Mohammed Shafiq), Canon Yacub Masih from Huddersfield, and many others joined the collaborative event organised by the British Pakistani Christian Association (through the family of Saleem Dutt - survivors of the attack on Shanti Nagar in 1997) and South Asian Peoples Forum.  Groups in attendance included the Socialist Workers Party and various anti-oppression groups. 

Wilson Chowdhry said;

"People of good conscience, set aside their differences to speak out against the ongoing suffering of so many diverse communities in Pakistan.  Politicians, community groups and religious leaders were united in their condemnation of the recent attack on the Christians of Badami Bagh, the killing of Hindu doctors, bombings of innocent Shia Muslims of Hazara origins and other sectarian violence. Together we called for reform of existing institutional and legal frameworks and for abrogation of the infamous blasphemy laws of Pakistan."

He added;

"Poor governance in Pakistan has led to the existing extremism and societal schism, only pragmatic policies that offer protection for minorities and promote equality will shape a new future for a country that has reached a nadir for human rights."

A copy of the BPCA Badami Bagh petition was  submitted to the Pakistani Consulate in Bradford.  Our next protest will be held at Glasgow Pakistani Consulate on Monday 18th March and the event is sponsored by the Asian Churches of Scotland through Sheem Gill.  Please pray for Wilson Chowdhry who had to drive back form Bradford on Saturday and will be leaving for Scotland later this evening.  Pray for a safe journey and for him to have strength to complete the journey.

The beautiful and loving families of Saleem Bhatti and Rager Banni - key organizers for Saturdays event. 

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