Tuesday 19 March 2013

BPCA deliver food and clothing for victims of St Joseph's but more help needed!

BPCA Distributors gathered by our permanently located flag on the first tent at entry point.

St Joseph's Colony once a proud Christian town (further images at end of post).

BPCA have now provided food and clothing to all residents of St Joseph's town on three visits.  Orange juice, water, milk, bread and cooked rice have ensured that affected families are receiving essential nutrients. 

Our volunteers have spent time encouraging residents and have prayed for those who are frightened, sick, injured or simply desire prayer.  Volunteers led by Yousaf Arman including Waqar Peter Younis and Sharoon Yousaf, spoke of great need for further assistance.  Sharoon Yousaf said;

"Children were so excited by our gifts is was heart-warming to see they still trusted us, though strangers, despite the recent attack."

He added;

"Babies have been crying for milk and mothers who have not been able to breast feed have had to beg local shopkeepers for supplies, many have created tabs that will need to be compensated."

Yousaf Arman said:

"The living conditions of this community is disgraceful, knowing that this attack was unprovoked makes my blood boil.  More liberal Muslims are offering help to this local community but they are poor themselves.  At least there is a growing understanding amongst this majority population that this attack was wrong"

A local mosque has allowed the use of it's toilet facilities, however, through fear, the majority of local residents have been using latrines that have been dug out of the earth and have a tent covering.  The hygiene levels in the community are particularly low at this point and  residents have spoken of their desire for kitchen and sanitary facilities for their health and well being.

We would like to repair at least two local toilets, showers and kitchens in some of the damaged homes.  These could be used communally by local victims who find themselves dispossessed of their former residences. For this we are asking for donations to support this essential work, which we would like to complete as soon as possible.

Yousaf Arman described the need for more aid;

"Unless more aid is provided many of these victims are going to suffer disease and other health concerns.  Already there is a spread of dysentry in the community and only recently Lahore was ravaged by dengue fever.  Hygiene has become a secondary concern as people seek food and safety." 

A local child has already been struck by amoebic dysentery and we wish to control and prevent this and other diseases before concerns rise to epidemic levels.

We are continuing our disaster recovery fund and if you would like to donate to it, please use the following details:

Pay by using the PayPal facility on the top right hand corner of our blog and electronic means of transfer will be initiated when you click donate written in the yellow oval. 

You can also send your contributions by cheque payable to;

British Pakistani Christian Association.
Address : British Pakistani Christian Association
57 Green Lane
IG1 1XG 

Alternatively should you wish you can pay by BACS, direct debit or standing order by paying into the following account details: 

Sort Code: 20-67-90 
Account Number: 63468976

All donations should be referenced: St Joseph's Disaster Recovery Fund.

Children excited by drinks and sweets for them.

Clothes and food distributed to every home.

Volunteers from several groups joined us.

Prayer for a child with dissentry.

Travel for volunteers by humble means to maximise costs for delivery.

Homes being rebuilt by the community - we have donated bricks and building supplies.

The restoration will be slow and there is need for more building supplies.

Fresh water supplies are currently limited so drinks were provided to thirsty victims, to prevent spread of disease.

Milk was provided to mothers to feed their little ones.

We have now delivered food and clothing to residents on three visits.

Determined volunteers sought to help the beleaguered community of St Joseph's town.

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