Friday, 16 August 2013

Christian Slum area of Islamabad hit by floods - families are in desperate need of assistance.

Christian homes ravaged by the floods.

Desperate Christians living in the slum area of G-7/3 Islamabad are calling for assistance after the loss of their household items and stored foods.  

Many of the residents scrape a living working in fields and others as domestic labour or other manual work.  The deluge has temporarily stopped their ability to earn and many of them rely on a daily wage to sustain them.  Tools for trade have been swept away in the floods and community morale has reached its lowest ebb.

The Flooding in the area was exacerbated by the City mosque who emptied huge vats of stored water during the flooding, which flowed directly into the Christian slum areas.  our previous report describes the incident in more depth:

Basharat Khokar and Shamim Masih visited te site and have spoken of the immense melancholy that has engulfed Christians living in the affected area.

Shamim Masih said;

"Children who would normally play during the School holidays are helping families clean up their homes. Many of theses homes are in essence made of mud and sticks and the large volumes of water have significantly weakened the already shaky structures."

Basharat Khokar climbed onto the roof of a more stable home to survey the damage caused by the floods. He said;

"The devastation caused by the flood is visible wherever you look.  Furniture has been washed out of homes and chairs and tables are strewn around the town.  People have no change of clothes and their stores of food have been washed away causing great starvation.  They are in desperate need of assistance."

Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of the BPCA said;

"This years flooding has not made international news and there has been a general reticence by Pakistani media to cover the disaster, as it has in the main only affected Christian Communities.  It seems rather deliberate that all new Christian communities are in the flow route of flood water escape routes.  Government assistance is yet to materialise, and I am afraid that unless something is done soon, the affects of this devastating natural disaster are only set to get worse."

The BPCA have organised a disaster relief fund to help the beleaguered Christian community of Islamabad.  We intend to repair homes purchase new furniture and provide food and clothing to the victims of this latest natural disaster.   We draw on the Parable of the sheep and goats as spoken of by our Lord Jesus, in which He described a desire that God's people help those in need.  Here is an extract taken from Matthew 25 v 34-36 
"Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; 36naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.'
In verse 40, Jesus goes even further and illustrates how the desire to help others is defined from God's agape love that means he fells the hurt and suffering of victims in a manner that is beyond us.  It simply say's:

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

If you are able to and  would like to donate to our relief efforts, please pay via our bank details which are as follows:

Sort Code: 20-67-90
Account number: 63468976
Bank: Barclays

Alternatively if you would like to send a one of donation please use the pay-pal facility on the top right hand corner of our blog,or simply send a cheque made payable to the BPCA  to our address 57 Green Lane, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1XG.

Duniya TV reports on the inundation.

Residents seek help after the loss of food and all their household possessions. Many do not have a change of clothes.

This wattle and daub home is collapsing after the floods, Basharat Khokhar visited this anxious family.

Residents saw water reach up to waist height fill their homes. 

Basharat surveys the destruction of the water that coursed through this community.  Many families tried to save furniture by lifting it to their roofs, by then however, little could be salvaged.

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