Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Godly women convene to discuss mission work in the Muslim World.

Wilson Chowdhry is introduced to the audience.

Godly women from across Ireland both the south and the north, met to discuss mission work in the Middle-East.  The event was called 'Longing to Call them Sisters'  and was  held at Newtownbreda Baptist Church, in Belfast,  on Saturday 19th October 2013.  The event was well attended and had in the region of 60 participants. Groups such as Release International, Elam Ministries, Irish Church Missions, FEBA Radio and Open Doors were represented, many of whom held information stalls.

William Mateer Irish Ambassador for FEBA with Wilson Chowdhry

Two women shared about their work in Bangladesh and Indonesia, describing the hardships faced by people living in these countries and the work their respective groups were undertaking to help them.  A number of stirring videos illustrated the hope those receiving aid gained from the humanitarian effort, and shared testimonies from newly saved Christians, moved by the generosity of the Christian charities.

Wilson addresses the the conference.

Wilson Chowdhry Chairman of the BPCA was invited to share some words, after a late cancellation from a guest speaker from an Iranian Christian Charity.  He spoke of the recent attack on Peshawar and the devastation it caused, describing in detail the affect on a number of victims.  Wilson also spoke of the ongoing persecution and discrimination faced by all Minorities in Pakistan, explaining that not all Muslim's are extremists, but that somehow extremist ideology has permeated the legal and constitutional frameworks of Pakistan, creating disparity in educational and employment opportunity and harsher lifestyles for Christians and other minorities.  He went on to detail case studies for Shazia Bashir, the Gojra attack, Rimsha Masih and Asia Bibi.

Feedback from those in attendance was very positive and a number of visitors have asked to be included on our regular distribution.  Later in the day, women from this conference joined Wilson at the Candlelight vigil for victims of Peshawar bomb attack, outside Belfast City Hall. Read more here:


Wilson Chowdhry said;

"The twin suicide bomb attack on Christians in Peshawar is an utterly condemnable act. However, it is not fair to blame all Muslim's for the twisted ideologies of a few extremists.  This conference was an opportunity for me to describe the persecution faced by the Minorities in Pakistan, and to call for wider support and aid. Speaking at this women's conference reminded me of the good work that so many Christian groups undertake in the Middle-East, and the support they provide much like the work of the BPCA, is accessible to all, irrespective of faith."

Please sign our electronic petition for victims of Peshawar here:

The BPCA are currently providing relief aid to victims of this bomb attack, which includes sponsoring orphans, paying for new limbs, counselling and settling medical debts, which the Government has failed to do despite promises. If you would like to contribute to this work or  for our work in continuing to raise awareness of atrocities meted out towards minorities in Pakistan.  Further details of our work can be found by clicking this link:

 If you would like to contribute to our relief work, please use the following details;

Cheques can be sent to -
BPCA, 57 Green Lane, Ilford, EssexIG1 1XG

Bank details for transfer – Sort Code 20 67 90  Account number 6346 8976

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