Friday 15 November 2013

Archbishop Welby seeks better representation for Minority Christians in UK Church efforts

Wilson Chowdhry with Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury
A conference that brought together over 300 of the country's most prominent Christian community leaders was held at Stratford Old Town Hall on Wednesday 13th November 2013.  The purpose of the event was to equip Christians and churches who are working with the poorest people to transform their lives and communities. 
The event celebrated and showcased what the church is doing to tackle poverty, and explored how we can respond effectively and appropriately to the needs around us. The day included workshops on key issues such as asset-based community development, credit unions, urban theology, responding to universal credit and how to recruit and retain volunteers.
Keynote speaker Archbishop Justin Welby said;
"The church remains a vital tool in the fight against poverty.  Loving our neighbour places a responsibility on all Christians"  He added;  "Loving God and Neighbour go together like the warp and weft of fabric."

Hear Archbishops speech on Premier Christian Radio:

The conference itself was triggered by the Archbishop of Canterbury's concerns about about the practice of payday lending.  His expressed serious concerns have given voice to a growing belief, within the church and wider society, that there should be a more ethical and just financial system, and that more should be done to develop alternatives to high-interest lending.
Wilson Chowdhry attended two of the seminars including one themed "Tackling Food Poverty" led by Hannah Lambie-Mumford from the Geography Depratment at Sheffield University and  Asset based Community Development," led by Rev Al Jarret.
He said;
"The meeting was a chance to learn better ways to tackle local poverty, through the sharing of ideas and successes with a wide-range of other Christians groups - serious about impacting on those suffering in the existing economy."
During the Q&A session after Archbishop Welby's keynote address, Wilson Chowdhry queried the lack of ethnic minority Christian representation in the meeting.  Archbishop Welby spoke of how important a question this was reflecting on the discrimination that was a social malaise of the church in the 1960's. He said further said;
"It is not good enough to say the door is now open, we need a conscious effort towards inclusivity."

The Bishop of Barking opened up the conference.

Paul Hackwood leader of Church Urban Fund described the success of their recent work.

Archbishop Justin Welby was the Keynote Speaker.

Maurice Glasman spoke of the need for a new political structure.

Food Poverty Seminar

Ideas were presented and shared on initiatives to tackle Food Poverty.

Hanna Lambie-Mumford led discussion on Food Poverty.

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