Monday 10 March 2014

Church in construction levelled by extremists insulted by image of the cross and Christian scriptural verses.

By – Shamim Masih

Christians of Chak ¾ -L, Okara Pakistan had started construction of a Church on the land donated by Akber Masih (Christian resident), from the local area. They had hardly constructed walls and had just placed the sign of a Christian cross at the main gate on Monday 10th March 2014 when infuriated Muslims, started to make a clamour at the perceived offence.

As soon as soon as the Muslims saw the cross, an extremist mob arrived on site and demolished the church  whilst still in construction.  Initially the violent mod used their hands to tear down the nascent construction, but later brought a  tractor to pull down boards that held sacred Bible verses and the more secure construction.

Human rights activists intervened and lodged an FIR with police under section 295-A and 506 – B against the culprits. 

Sohail Johnson, chairman Sharing Life Ministries Pakistan talking on the phone informs us that the mob supported by a local politician have not been arrested so far. He reported that Mehr Abdul Sittar, ex-candidate for provisional assembly from Pakistan Peoples Party - PPP has influence in the region and is protecting the accused. He also informed us that Saif Ullah Doger, DCO has assured Sohail that he will arrest the culprits and bring them before the courts.   Nothing has progressed so far. Instead officials threaten the local Christians. He urged the local government to take strict action against them; he demands the officials take concrete steps to ensure protection of minorities in the country.

Wilson Chowdhry of the BPCA said;

"This is another act of unprovoked violence meted against Christians simply for observing their faith in peace.  It highlights the lack of progress towards better humanitarian conditions for Minorities living in Pakistan.  The fact that once again evidence exists of political inteference from officials with feudal powers, suggests that the aid budgets given to Pakistan are having no effect. More than likely these budgets are being used for purposes other then the proposed use.  We call on those giving aid to Pakistan to monitor with greater vigour the use of such foreign aid and to set requisite targets based on better human rights within Pakistan"


  1. violence doesn't end does in pakistan

  2. Per the latest news. Pakistan is getting more $ from Saudi to support this type of terrorism and religious conservatism in child marriage. No wonder Punjab has always had these social problems under that regime..
