Monday, 14 April 2014

Buy our new book all profits go towards helping victims of persecution in Pakistan!

Wilson Chowdhry holds up two copies of the BPCA's new publication.

The Targeting of ‘Minority Others’ in Pakistan is a thought provoking and path-breaking book that has been published by the British Pakistani Christian Association. It examines the shocking nature of targeting and discriminatory actions against religious, ethnic and political ‘minority Others’ in Pakistan. It identifies many of the policy decisions and actions of state and non-state actors that have facilitated targeting actions (sometimes of a genocidal nature) against Christians, Ahmadis, Hindus, Baloch, Hazaras, Shi'as, Sikhs and many 'Others'. The targeting of 'Tribal Others' through drone warfare, the 'Kill and Dump' policy in Balochistan, the repercussions of Pakistan's blasphemy laws and the genocidal targeting of East Pakistan are key concerns of the book.

The structural nature of the state since its inception in 1947 and the very nature of the dynamics of civilian-military relations, India-Pakistan tensions, Cold War and ‘War on Terror’ post-9/11 deliberations and initiatives by governments, political parties, politicians and generals are analysed in detail.

The authors have distinguished profiles. Desmond Fernandes is a genocide scholar, co-author of The Education System in Pakistan: Discrimination and the Targeting of the 'Other' (BPCA: London, 2014) and member of the Campaign Against Criminalising Communities. Formerly a Senior Lecturer in Human Geography at De Montfort University (UK), he has written extensively on issues relating to genocide and state targeting of the ‘Other’. Nathanael Lewis is a researcher and writer for the British Pakistani Christian Association (BPCA), writing many of its press releases and blog posts, as well as its submission to the UNHCR periodic review for Pakistan, and its response to questions from the research bureau of the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Bureau, much of which has now been utilized in the country reports Canada is now using to assess asylum claimants from Pakistan. Faiz M. Baluch is a student of journalism at London Metropolitan University and a human rights activist working with the International Voice for Baloch Missing Persons. Ranbir Singh is Chair of the Hindu Human Rights Group. Kavita Takechandani and Dr. Rubina Greenwood are from the World Sindhi Congress and their contribution formed part of the World Sindhi Congress’ 2012 submission to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), for consideration in its summary of submissions for Pakistan’s appearance in the fourteenth Universal Period Review.

This book will be of immense interest to concerned members of the public, human rights activists, investigative journalists, academics, students, asylum seekers, asylum rights and anti-deportation campaigning organisations, secular and faith-based groups, NGO's, MP's and policy planners.

Price of book including P&P for UK, Europe, Pakistan and US.


  1. A friend wishes to buy a copy of your book. Can I order on-line? Stan Gain

  2. Hi Stan, He will have to pay via Pay Pal and request the book. The postage and packaging options vary Lubna in our office knows the costs. If he calls in on Monday either Dorah or Lubna can advise him. Thank you for your continued support.

  3. Stan the link in this post now has the correct paypal facility for purchase of the book.

  4. Stan the link in this post now has the correct paypal facility for purchase of the book.
