Friday, 2 May 2014

Excerpt from The Targeting Of 'Minority Others' in Pakistan 'Introduction'

Price of book including P&P for UK, Europe, Pakistan and US.

Chapter 1.1 Introduction by Wilson Chowdhry (Chairman BPCA)

This book- length report is one of the few collaborative efforts to highlight concerns on the treatment of minorities in Pakistan. Its wide –ranging coverage of issues pertaining to a number of different ‘Othered’ communities and groups living in Pakistan, with inputs by campaigners from varying minority groups, make it relatively unique. I felt challenged to coordinate the writing of this report as a means to highlight the ongoing persecution of minorities in Pakistan. Although the experience of the British Pakistani Christian Association (BPCA) in the field is quite small in chronological terms, we have, in recent times, become one of the most effective and recognised voices in highlighting the plight felt by so many “Others”

For many readers, this may be the first time that the full scope of the atrocities that Pakistan’s minorities face every day will have become known to you. Some of you will be horrified by the accounts represented in our research – and others will be offended. If you feel offense, let me clarify that none of the accounts are fictional and all have been verified through supporting documents and reports, both online and paper, personal evidence and official reports. We have not tried to spin a story but have grown this report organically via the information gathered by contributors from their wide experience and sources. As a group, we are not ‘Anti – Pakistani’ but have a strong passion for improving the quality of life for all citizens of Pakistan. I have been banned from Pakistan for the human rights work and protests undertaken by the BPCA, and thus, have paid for my desire to help with separation from my family living in Pakistan.

Thank you for reading this and please know that your sharing, liking and commenting on this post goes a long way in helping to give voice to the persecuted.

All proceeds from the sale of the book support the work of the BPCA.  Much of the early sales will be used to support victims of the Peshawar bomb attacks - December 2013.

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