Monday, 5 May 2014

United Ecumenical Catholic Church in the UK dedicate regular Monday Mass for Pakistani Christians

Father Chris praying at our Redbridge Easter Parade.

a truly God inspired meeting with Father Chris of the Ecumenical Catholic Church in the UK at our Redbridge Easter Parade, we have maintained prayers and communication for one another.  

Father Julian, one of four clergy serving in the Portsmouth area, has been so moved by the suffering of Pakistani Christians, he has today initiated the first of many regular Masses to be offered for the persecuted church in Pakistan.  

Our regular monthly updates on the torrid situation faced by Christians will help Father Chris and Julian to focus down on the needs of our brothers and sisters in Pakistan.  

Wilson Chowdhry Chairman of the BPCA said;

"Prayer is the most powerful weapon in the Christian Church and can break any stronghold.  It is thus the BPCA cherishes this regular commitment from impassioned hearts, seeking a positive change for an oppressed community."  

Father Julian informed us about the first mass today, he said;

"No time like the present - I just celebrated Mass for the intentions of the BPCA and will do so each and every Monday."

Father Chris Who spoke at our Easter Parade wrote to us in an email, which said;

Dear All,

We are proud to announce our full prayer support for British Pakistani Christian Association. As clergy members of United Ecumenical Catholic Church in UK, we have decided to remember of all matters that are important to you in our prayers. Every Monday, in our chapel in Portsmouth, Fr. Julian will celebrate a mass in your intentions. Fr. Chris will remember about all things close to your hearts during everyday morning prayer.

Let me, on this occasion, invite you to visit our website to check latest news (Click Here) and to contact us via emails (they are listed on the website).

With prayer,
Fr. Chris and Fr. Julian

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