Thursday, 27 August 2009

Today at lunch time I met with Freddie O'Neill - one of the founder members of Fathers 4 Justice. F4J held a series of high profiles protests and stunts Whilst Tony Blair was still in power including throwing purple die on the former Prime Minister in the house of Commons, Scaling the 150ft House of Parliament building in a Batman costume, Batman visiting the Queens Balcony and other innovative and well planned events designed to highlight their cause. He believes that our protest was a good start, and a useful way in getting a message out (he did not know about the concern till reading one of my flyers at the 10 Downing Street Event) , however, we will have to raise our game if we are to get the mainstream media to take notice. I have been inspired and have some ideas that I will share with any of you who choose to attend the meeting in Birmingham this Saturday.

His wife Nute is a Far Eastern Asian Christian from Thailand a country in which a similar percentage of Christians are present as in Pakistan and India (approx 3%). He is an attendant at Hills Song Church and has stated he will attend our next demonstration. I will ask that he places a prayer request with his church leadership, for better opportunity and freedom to our brothers and sisters in Pakistan.

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