Friday, 28 August 2009

UN Petition

Brother Kenneth Massey writes:

A new petition is demanding that the United Nations help put an end to the lynching and murdering of Pakistani Christians on false claims of blasphemy. Jaw Sekulow, chief counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice, said,

"Christians are being singled out and murdered because of their faith. Only when the Pakistani government effectively prosecutes those responsible for the acts of violence will attacks against Christians end." more here:

I will upload a copy of the petition as soon as possible as I am having technical difficulties.

Full copy of petition here.

1 comment:

  1. About Time! Christians in Pakistan need protection and assistance from the West

    About time - this matter is long awaited. This situation needs to be resolved sooner than later to avoid any further killing of innocent Christian civilians in Pakistan. It is tragic that this situation has been left to escalate to this level. Pakistan is a great country, but, discrimination, criminalisation and unlawful killing of many Pakistani Christians in recent times proves that Pakistani government is unable to protect Christian citizens. I wonder what late Mr. Jinnah would say about this. Is this the Pakistan he desired? The answer is NO.

    Amir Gill - UK
