Saturday, 12 September 2009

Adopting a child - where should Religious preference take precedent.

Here is an image of the evil bomb plotter who was thwarted from his plans to kill 1000s!

I was reading with both dismay and anxiety the front page article within the Evening Standard yesterday. This illustrated the total ineptness of Haringey Council's Children services who provided a camouflage opportunity to the recently convicted plane bomb plotter and group leader, as a child was to be adopted within his household. What struck me as most bizarre was the fact that Muslim children could only be adopted by Muslim parents. What ran through my mind was could the same be true for Christian Children and if so does that reciprocal arrangement go as far as denomination (not that the denomination matters too much)..? Or is this level of protection just for Muslim children as in their faith they are born a Muslim....?

The second thought that ran through my mind was just imagine the bomber was succesful with his plot who would be to blame for the loss of that childs life. Surely this which a council is being blamed and labelled as callous and at fault, suggests that Councils should now actually test for extremism when selecting potential Muslim foster parents...?! Could such action not reduce the potential for a repeat incident of a similar nature? Would this not make Britain safer by reducing the liklihood of fanaticism?
Your view on any topic pertaining to this story would be appreciated...?

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