Sunday, 13 September 2009

An update on Sumbrial attack! (from Brother Khurran Javed)

Here is a message received from brother Khurran Javed (sic):
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Please find information on an other incident that has occurred regarding Our Christians People being persecuted by not Extremist by ordinary Muslims. I urge you to pray and inform our leaders to please do something, standing outside the Pakistani Embassy and 10 downing street hasn't had any effect on the issue concerning our people in Pakistan. Khuram Church Burned to the Ground by Muslim Mob (Pakistan)... Barely a month has passed since 7 Christians were killed and dozens of their homes were burnt in Gojra city over an alleged desecration of Quran, a Church in Sialkot district was burnt down Friday. A Muslim mob armed with weapons and sticks attacked Christians in Jhethe Key village in sub-district Sambarial of Sialkot district, Punjab province after a Muslim cleric made an announcement from a mosque to kill Christians and burnt their homes, on the allegation that Quran has been desecrated, Pakistan Christian Post reported.
The incident was prompted when one teen age Muslim girl complained on Friday morning to her family that part of Holy Quran fell down in drain when a Christian boy pushed her in street. The report said, without any confirmation, Muslim family members of girl started shouting on Christians and Muslim cleric also approached and issued decree that Christians must be punished to death.
The Muslim cleric announced from mosque loudspeaker to gather all Muslims from where procession marched to the homes of Christians. On their way they put Village Church administered by Church of Pakistan on fire.
Meanwhile, Christians fled from village to safe their lives and called for police help. The heavy contingent of police have encircled village and no one is allowed to enter in village. It is feared that situation in village is worst than Gojra when Muslims burnt eight Christians alive on blasphemy accusations.
PCP said, when its correspondent from Sialkot reached to witness situation, he was not allowed by police to meet any Christians.
More update awaits.
According to Pakistan penal code amended in 1986: "Use of derogatory remarks, etc in respect of the Holy Prophet; whoever by words, either spoken or written or by visible representation, or by any imputation, innuendo, or insinuation, directly or indirectly, defiles the sacred name of the Holy Prophet Mohammed shall be punished with death, or imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable to fine."
Christians say the law has been used against them and other religious minorities to settle personal scores.
On Aug. 1, a Muslim mob spearheaded by banned Islamic fundamentalist group, attacked Christians, eight Christians were killed and dozens of their homes were burnt in the same province. Earlier on July 29, Christian village of Korian was also attacked on blasphemy charge, dozens of Christian homes were also burnt.
Critics and Christians around the world including World Council of Churches have since demanded that the blasphemy law be repealed. Pakistani government said it is reviewing the law without giving any specific time-frame.

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