Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Good News!!!

Click to enlarge map of Protest March on the 19th December 2009!
Our Chairman Alex Chowdhry and I after successfully agreeing a procession route with Scotland Yard Police

The British Pakistani Christian Association is proud to announce that it will be holding a Protest March on the 19th December. The march will focus on the Recent atrocities at Korian, Gojra and Sumbrial in which Christian villages in Pakistan have been heinously attacked as a result of false accusations that the Quran had been desecrated. The Aim of the March is to continue the campaign for justice, peace and equality for all religious minority groups in Pakistan.
The march will begin at the Pakistani Embassy from 12:00, however people need to be ready to leave by 11:30 and we are asking for people to arrive from 11:00 for form up. The March will travel to 10 Downing street and petitions will be submitted at both the Pakistani Embassy and 10 Downing Street.

We are looking for guest speakers who will be limited to 3 minutes (preferably 2 minutes) as they are their to fill gaps between chanting. We also need some volunteers to act as Stewards and I will provide professional training to at least 30 individuals - as long as they provide their names soon. We want to invite the wider Christian Church and Faith Groups to attend and support our cause.

The date was selected as it is the last day for Christmas Shopping and we expect lots of people to be in London at this time - ensuring we have as much impact as possible. It is also near enough to the birth of Jesus for us to have a Prayer and worship session before the event begins and we would like any pastors and singers to come forward - this will be from 11:00 - 12:00 before the march begins only!

Finally this march will have some exciting stunts that will attract media attention - leave that to us! It will be in good taste and will not besmirch the reputation of Christians I promise. Please tell brothers and sisters across the UK to join us at an event that is held on a Saturday in the middle of the Holidays at a time when the media are seeking, news stories as everything goes quiet. Besides at the end of the protests all the ladies can go shopping - making it a political event, focused on securing the future of persecuted Christians, that will also have a strong fellowship and learning function and provide appropriate opportunity to the aunties, sisters and mums who forgot that last present....!

Do join us!

With love and blessings

You faithful brother Wilson!

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