Monday, 28 September 2009

New book on Sharing Christian Faith with Muslims!

I have received this very positive email from E. M. Hicham today - seems like a new reader of this blog which is regularly growing in popularity:

Dear friends in the gospel,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Forgive this impersonal email and apologies if it is not of interest to you!

I am writing to let you know that my new book, How shall they hear? Sharing your Christian faith with Muslims, is now released. It is on practical Muslim evangelism.

It is really an outpouring of much that has been on my heart over the years. My hope is that through reading it, people will be encouraged and equipped to reach their Muslim neighbours with the Gospel. For more details you may like to look at the website dedicated to the book which is now live at: (or:

It is my prayer that this book will in some measure help, equip and encourage Christians in sharing their faith with Muslims.

What others are saying about this book?

“A brilliant toolkit for Muslim Evangelism. If you long to reach out to your Muslim friends with the Gospel but are wondering how to start then this is the book for you.” M.E.C. Word of Hope Ministries.

“As far as outreach to Muslims is concerned, there are few books like this one. Why is that? The author was one of them!…Having been involved with Christian work in South Asia for many years, I can truly say that everything you need to know is here, nothing is left out.” From the forward by Paul Simpson, Raymond Lull Memorial Trust

“You have probably suspected for a while that not all Muslims are radical, but they are all reachable. However, with so many opportunities to meet and speak with Muslims, whether Asian, Arabic or British - including British converts to Islam what shall we say to them? How do they think? What do they either understand or misunderstand about the Good News? There are a few key issues that they raise as arguments to disprove the Christian message. Any help believers can get these days is to be valued. Help from someone who used to think in exactly the same way as many Muslims do, who is now unreservedly and wholeheartedly evangelical and who daily goes among Muslims to speak with them of the Saviour is bound to be of particular value.

"This book is a serious reference book for believers. It looks at Islamic history, theology and culture. It recounts stories of encounters and conversions. It shows the necessity of adjustments in attitudes by Christians and Churches as they increasingly receive converts from Islam into church membership. It is written in a style suited to give both information and motivation in witness to Muslim friends and neighbours. It serves both purposes excellently. It will almost certainly give you the confidence to begin intelligent witness with Muslims. I recommend it witho ut reservation." Rev. David Harding. Pastor of Milnrow Evangelical Church, and executive member of United Beach Missions.

"I have an increasing anticipation picking up the booklets and books written by E.M. Hicham. He writes in such a gripping manner, elegantly and logically. They are a compelling read. The reader wants to turn to the next page to see what he writes on these subjects of profundity and importance. I thank God for him and for his friendship." Rev. Geoff Thomas, Pastor of Alfred Baptist Church, Aberystwyth, Wales, and writer.

With kind regards.

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