Monday, 21 December 2009

Message from Baroness Cox

Caroline Anne Cox (née McNeill Love), Baroness Cox (born 6 July 1937) is a cross-bench member of the British House of Lords. She also is the founder and CEO of an organisation called the "Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust" She has campaigned for humanitarian causes, particularly relating to disability.

We have today received a version of what was spoken by Baroness Cox at our protest march on Saturday (Her address was not from notes and Baroness Cox has kindly provided a brief summary).

In her email to us, she spoke favourably about our event and the media attention we managed to encourage. Quite simply, the Peace Rally highlighted the plight of minority groups in Pakistan, to a much wider British public than ever before.

We have been advised that Baroness Cox will be praying for the situation in Pakistan and we would ask that you all keep the Baroness and her work in your prayers.

It is a wonderful blessing to have such senior figures in support of our cause and we should cherish such committment and give credit were it is deserved.

I would like to add, that my email to the Baroness was sent one day before the event. Imagine my joy when the following morning, I received a response confirming her attendance. That such people with authority - who no doubt have a very extensive appointment list, would be willing to sacrifice time on a cold, miserable and rather dreary day - is an encouragement to me and hopefully to the rest of our community. Good spirited leaders like the Baroness and few and far between - even in the Christian World and the British Pakistani Community for one should feel indebted to "our" Baroness.

Here is the summary of Baroness Cox's address:

'Congratulations on organising this important event!

First, I speak as a parliamentarian who has the privilege of living in a free and democratic society.

I believe that freedom is indivisible and that all of us who live in freedom should use our freedoms on behalf of those who are denied their freedoms.

I hope the British government will raise more strongly with the Government of Pakistan the violations of religious freedoms of many citizens in Pakistan and urge the Government of Pakistan to fulfil its responsibilities to provide protection for all its people.

Those suffering from violations of fundamental freedoms, including freedom to practice their own religion, include not only Christians but other faith groups as well, including the Ahmadia Muslims - and we must speak for the rights of all people of any faith or none.

Secondly, speaking as Christian: the Bible tells us that we must 'speak for the oppressed' and therefore, as a Christians as well as a parliamentarian, I am here today to support you in your valiant endeavours to work for peace, justice and freedom for all the peoples of Pakistan.

Thirdly, also speaking as a Christian, I am reminded that St Paul in his letter to the Church at Corinth challenged the church: 'When one part of the Body of Christ suffers, we all suffer'. Do we? My plea to other Christians this Christmas is to remember and to stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters suffering persecution around the world. It is estimated that there are 270 million Christians suffering persecution in some form around the world today. Let us not forget them - and today, I plead that we remember especially our brothers and sisters in Pakistan who have suffered so much and who face so many challenges and threats. They are maintaining their faith at great cost and with many sacrifices: let us pray that we will be worthy of the price they are paying for our faith and uphold them in love and prayer.'

Caroline Cox.

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