Sunday 20 December 2009

New threats from the Taliban to Pakistani Christians!

We have received news directly from Pakistan that texts from a unregistered number have been received by people of all communities in Pakistan - threatening a surprise attack on all churches in Pakistan on the 25th December 2009.

Most Pakistani Christians have already intimated that they will not let this news deter them from attending church on a day that is very sacred to them.

The BPCA would ask Christians across the UK to pray for the safety of those threatened in Pakistan. We would also urge all people of all faiths to continue to provoke influential world bodies and governments to continue challenging the Government of Pakistan to protect all of its people and to bring justice to the perpetrators of violence and terror.
Learn more (here)


  1. Brigadier (r) Samson Simon Sharaf21 December 2009 at 11:18

    Dear Wilson,
    This threat is in context of the Moharram Processions and Christmas celebrations.We are aware of it and at least in the diocese of Rawalpindi-Islamabad, I have informed all concerned. As a goodwill Gesture, The Police would close all main roads leading to churches and convert them to parking lots for the duration of the services. No vehicles will be allowed inside.
    But these are just passive security measures and terrorists chose the time and target of their choice.

    Please circulate this to your entire list for dissemination.

    Have a Blessed Christmas
    Brigadier (r) Samson Simon Sharaf

  2. We pakistani Christians should stand together and fight with talaban in thier languge, I knew it is a severe step to do it but some body has to do it I am sure pakistani MULLAHS will love it that talabans attack on christians in Past these MULLAHS never condem the Talabans keep in touch, Hope this will be awake up calls for all Pakistani Christians John

  3. DG FIA Zafarullah Khan took the notice of the Threatening sms sent to some Christians for a possible terrorist activity on Christmas, 4 Genuine FIR got registered 2 from NWFP and 1 from Sindh and 1 in Punjab. FIA has taken action and has arrested some suspected culprits, upon investigation from them it was found that in Punjab it was merely a joke trying to threaten the Christians. As for the rest of the 3 the people responsible have been arrested.
    As for the reports of sms threats in Punjab, the DG himself visited the Churches and organizations to inquire about the matter, unfortunately in the investigation it was found that these organizations were unable to arrange enough funds for their Christmas program, so to avoid the shame they spread the news that they have received threats by sms, so that they can save their respect and would not have the return the money they collected.
    The DG has officially issued warning letters to these Churches and Organizations stating that they are being given a second chance because of the Christmas season, next time any such activity will result in registering a case under the terrorist act , as according to the new law send any sms or spreading a rumor of any threat comes under the jurisdiction of the terrorist act.

  4. pl send copies warning those who are in power, top bureaucrats and media so that possible precautions can be taken. Hope it proves an apprehension and Xmas is celebrated in a decent way!

