Tuesday 27 July 2010

Support from Lambeth Palace - Archbishop Rowan Williams is praying for Pakistani Christians!

Lambeth Palace the London residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury and Main Offices for the Anglican Church

Our invitation to the Archbishop of Canterbury or other Bishops was sent to late this year.  However, Lambeth Palace have indicated their support for this weekends event and have advised that they will be praying for the Situation in Pakistan.  Moreover, the Archbishop has met with the President of Pakistan at the end of last year. Read more in the response received below:

"Dear Mr Chowdry

Thank you very much for your email on this important issue. As you will be aware, the Archbishop regards the abuse of the blasphemy laws as a serious matter which once again appears to have led to the murder of Christians in Pakistan. The Archbishop has addressed his concerns to the President of Pakistan directly and a delegation on his behalf met with the Prime Minister of Pakistan at the end of last year. The recent events make it clear how necessary it is for action to be taken by the Pakistani authorities.

I am glad to see that Bishop Michael Nazir Ali will be present at the event and I recall that in addition Bishop Tony Robinson attended last November. I will draw the event to the attention of those in London who might be able to attend although you will appreciate that with the very short notice this will be difficult for many. Archbishop Rowan is not able to attend as he has other engagements in his diary, but he would wish you to know that the Christian community in Pakistan is constantly in his prayers.

Yours sincerely

Guy Wilkinson
Canon Guy Wilkinson
National Inter Religious Affairs Adviser & Secretary for Inter Religious Affairs to the Archbishop of Canterbury"
Archbishop Rowan Williams and the Anglican Church have done their part, now will you do yours! 

Please come to our Peace Rally on the 31st July 2010. 


  1. Canon Yacub Masih29 July 2010 at 12:26

    Hi Wilson
    Wish you all the best for Saturday I m Sorry I Cant be there but I hope and pray that with God,s blessing it will be Successful Event and it will raise the plight of Christians in Pakistan.
    God bless
    Canon Yaqub

  2. Evangelist Robin Asghar29 July 2010 at 12:28

    Dear Brother Wilson,
    Greetings from Pakistan. We acknowledge and support your effort , I was in UK for a short will till first week of July and asked many people to join you, we are praying for your success and Lord's leading in this rally, since Gojra incidence we have formed All Pakistan Christian Action Committee, which is fighting for the rights of the Christian Community and we have organized various rallies and press conferences.My organization Robinson Community Development Ministries website www.rcdmpakistan.com was hacked by the militant groups in June , it was got restored but has been again hacked , is being partially restored now with .org , i.e. www.rcdmpakistan.org , we are with you brother and today we are holding a press conference in Islamabad , press release for which is being enclosed, some of the point /our demand can be read at the rally if u desire so.
    God Bless you and help you.
    Evangelist Robinson Asghar

  3. I will be supporting this rally, but I cannot arrive until about 12.00.

    God bless you and may this event succeed in the heavenly realms.

    Andrew Heron
