Tuesday 27 July 2010

Bishop Mike Reid Joins the Cause!

The Jovial Bishop Mike Reid

Bishop Mike Reid of Mike Reid Ministry will now be speaking at our event. Here is a small Biography provided by his team:

"A tireless ambassador for the Kingdom of God, Bishop Michael Reid founded Peniel Church in Essex, UK 35 years ago.

Now God has a new task for him to build up 'What God Can Do Ministries'. His determination to obey God whatever the cost and his strong convictions have moulded his life and ministry. It is through his preaching of the gospel that many worldwide have come to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour.

Michael Reid believes by building on the foundation of our biblically based family ethos, and maintaining a focus of miracles, healing and faith, the church can expand under God-anointed leadership – regardless of ‘qualification’. There are countless examples throughout history of God using men as leaders, oftentimes, when according to human logic, they might seem unqualified for the job. Such was the case with Bishop Michael Reid, an atheist policeman, whose life was transformed by the grace of God in a meeting led by late Demos Shakarian [founder of Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship International]. At the meeting under divine instruction God told Demos “Go get that man, I have a work for him to do” and Bishop Reid’s life in Christ began.

As he started in the work God had given him, Bishop Reid quickly discovered God had given him the gifts of healing, discernment, knowledge and deliverance. He has been operating in these gifts – praying for the sick and preaching the gospel ever since with miracles and healing following.

The Beginning:

Bishop Reid always encourages people to remember their beginnings as the apostle John did in 1 John 1 & 2. Our beginning in God is the foundation of ones christian life. Such was the case with Bishop Reid. In 1976 God told a reluctant Bishop Michael Reid to start preaching and so he started a Bible study in his own home. He continued his job in marketing for 3 years before entering into ministry full time.

From the moment of his new birth, God gave Bishop Reid a yearning for knowledge and he avidly studied the Bible and the writings of men inspired by God such as George Fox, George Whitefield, Charles Spurgeon and Smith Wigglesworth.

His Bible-based teaching forms the central part of his ministry with the emphasis on preaching Jesus and redemption truth; and stressing “However, my purpose is always and only to lift up Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2) and to magnify His name."

At his conversion Bishop Michael Reid heard what seemed to him to be an audible voice tell him, “Give all you have and I will provide.” He promptly placed the entire contents of his wallet in the offering bowl and has continued to live by this principle ever since."

Achievements & Academic Success:

1994 - Honorary Doctor of Divinity from Christian Faith University, Nigeria
1998 - Earned Masters of Arts in Practical Theology from Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma. USA
2000 - Earned Doctor of Ministry from Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma. USA
2003 - Bishop [Dr] Michael Reid presented his doctoral paper on Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare at the 23nd annual meeting for the Society for Pentecostal Studies. The Wesleyan Theological Society members were also present.
2003 - Started PhD WITH Open University researching the topic “Oral Roberts’ whole man ministry”
2003 - Honorary Doctor of Divinity from Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma. USA
Other achievements
Bishop Michael Reid was honoured with one of the highest accolades a university can bestow when he was presented with an honorary Doctor of Divinity at the Commencement Ceremony at Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA in the presence of a crowd of 10,000. Then, Dr Richard Roberts, President of Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA presented the doctorate. Furthermore, Dr Richard Roberts introduced Bishop [Dr] Michael Reid by saying he felt it was fitting that after earning a Masters degree in Practical Theology in 1998 and Doctor of Ministry degree in 2000, he be awarded this honorary degree in recognition of a time of service to worldwide Christianity. He dedicated the degree to those who have had an enormous impact in his life; Demos Shakarian and his good friends, the late Archbishop Benson Idahosa, Dr T. L. Osborn and Chancellor Oral Roberts.

He conducted an interview regarding the situation in Pakistan, with the BPCA, this can be viewed by clicking the link below:



  1. Hey every one,
    Today the situation in Pakistan Aziz Colony is very critical.Our people are again leaving there homes .our women and chilren are not safe today.Why the world in not doing something ?why the worls the silent?.why we are living here like slaves?.I am a girl and i am sitting in my office this time.and do not know what will happen to me in next moment.Please do some thing for our safety.Please for God's Sake.They will kill every one.Please please please.Please for us.Please safe pakistani Christians.

  2. Hello brothers and sisters,
    My family has left from the Gujranwala But i am here bcoz i want to hepl those christians who are helpless here,although i do not know how to help them i want it.If i will be survived and any of them will die.I will never be able to forgive my self,You know realy respect the Quran Pak,But no body understant that why they do it to us.after all pakistan is our home land and we have a right to llive here,We are working day and night for its progress.But the people in here do not like us.Specialy in villanges.we can not touch there things we can not eat with them,You know i have done Masters in Political Science.I am working church since eleven years.I am working here as an Manager.After my job i give free tution to the girls of My area,with thinking that they Muslim or Christian i never ask for tution fee.But still i lunch break i sit alone outside and all of the Muslims eat lunch together.Yes in big Cities the situation is not so bad ,In Cities like Gujranwala it is as i told you.

  3. Hey dear Wilson.
    Today the Muslims of Gujranwala have tried to Burn two Churches One is Scent Josef on sialkot Raod and one is Scent Jhon in Aziz Colony.

