Monday 26 July 2010

Tragedies in Pakistan continue.........

Prayer is the tool - Jesus is the answer!

Despite the work of so many institutions, groups and individuals, Pakistan has changed little and infringements of Human Rights continue.  The BPCA has been talking to Diane Ofori of the Christian Party about this and her reply was:

"Stand up and be counted people of GOD! Like the parable of the Samaritan we cannot turn a blind eye like the Pharisees and Levities What we must understand is this, these battles are won in spiritual warfare, the Church of CHRIST must pray!!!!

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds." 2 Corinthians 10:4 (King James Version)Church of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, set aside time this week to seek GOD in prayer and fasting for our Brothers and Sisters in Pakistan.

"Blessed is the he who has regard the weak; the LORD delivers him out of trouble." Psalms 41:1

GOD Bless


This seems like a sensible message to the BPCA and we are encouraging churches and Christians up and down the country and internationally in joining us for a global day of prayer and fasting, dedicated to bringing peace in Pakistan.  We have set the date of Sunday the 1st August (anniversary of Gojra incident) and ask others to join us in a time of prayer and fasting from 20:00 - 20:00 on Monday 2nd August (or as long as you can manage).    If any churches or brothers are willing to participate please inform us by writing something on our blog.


1. MP Stephen Timms could not make it to our event however, a representative from his office will be joining us.
2. The Evangelical Alliance have produced a press release which is being cascaded to the media tomorrow - they have cascaded details of our event through their membership.
3.Premier Christian Radio will be running bulletins this week and will interview Wilson on Friday to promote the event.
4. Sunrise Radio will be interviewing Wilson at 10:15 tomorrow for a prepiece on their radio station.
5. The Christian Muslim Forum are seeking a prominent Muslim speaker to join us on the protest - alternatively they will prepare a statement to be read at our Peace Rally.
6.  St Johns Baptist Church,Shoreditch's Pastor Christopher will be joining us and will speak at our event.
7.  Although Walthamstow Church have arranged a summer jaunt to South end on the date of our protest their Pastor has promoted the event in their church.  We will pray for good weather for these holiday makers and for our event.
8. Paster Samuel Noel from the Southall Church will be speaking at our event and has promoted the event frequently.
9. Rev Amelia Jacob and Canon Toby Crowe from St James Church Alperton, return again this year.  they have promoted the event in their church.
10.  Matthew Jones from Christian Solidarity Worldwide will be speaking at our event, information is being cascaded through their network.
11.  Former Newham Councillor Alan Craig will be speaking at our event.
12.  Women against Fundamentalism will be sending a speaker and will be attending.
13.  Ranbir Singh from the Hindu Human Rights Group will be speaking and encouraging his community to support the event.

The Christian Party are fully supportive of our event and they will be cascading details of the event through their network.  Although, their Leader Rev George Hargreaves will not be able to make it his Second in command Paula Watson will be speaking at the event.

Don't forget Michael Nazir Ali former Bishop of Rochester will be speaking at our event and David Prasad who cannot attend will be sending a spokesperson for Castewatch.

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