Thursday, 28 April 2011

A Pastor and his son.....

A Pastor and his son shot at whilst driving in Lahore and a young woman is raped in Faisalabad according to Spero News.

I have read a rather gory account of a shooting incident involving a pastor in Lahore and the rape of a young woman in Faisalabad. This news is prima facie and I am hoping to obtain some corroborating evidence, so that I can establish the veracity of the report. If any reader has more info please advise:

(Click here for more info)


  1. The UK and US Embassy should bring the Christians of Pakistan into the UK and Us as they are Christian Countries but instead they let in Muslim Scum and then complain about it.

  2. zeeshan kanwal1 May 2011 at 11:51

    nice to see your org

  3. I'm sorry @Ayaz Khan but Muslims are not scum, they are human beings created and loved by God. We must love as Christ has first loved us... how else will they know that we are the children of God? Or that they too can know Jesus for themselves?
