Saturday, 4 June 2011

Christian man shot dead in Faisalabad

We have received the email below from a Taher Masih in Pakistan.  This is the first we have heard of this alleged shooting of a Christian man. We are wondering if anyone could share more information and confirm the veracity of the content of his email:
"Hi brothers and Sisters, just to let you know that Mr. Johnson Sardar, a Christian young man has been shot dead in Faisalabad a few days before by the extremists. He was very active in Christian ministry work for many years. He was working for a Christian magazine early 2000 before starting his own ministerial work.
Please pray for his family and many other Christians involved in church activities and ministry work.  Please pray for Christians in Pakistan, situations in Gujranwala and many other places where Christians are harassed, tortured and beaten. Please continue praying for Aasia Bibi and many other Christians wrongly accused under blasphemy law and are facing persecutions."
Taher Masih, Faisalabad, 18/05/2011

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