Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Minority Ministry to be Abolished says Former Federal Minister Julius Salik!

Julius Salik and Wilson during his visit to the UK

We have received the following press release from World Minorities Alliance (sic):

Minority Ministry Being Abolished

Convener World Minorities Alliance and Former Federal Minister J. Salik has stated that the minorities are being mistreated and neglected, in accordance to ordinance passed by the Dictator and Rtd.Gen.Mushraff  had  brought  the minorities to selection system instead of election , He increased the seats of majority from 207 to 272 and seats for ladies were increased from 10 to 60 but unfortunately the minorities seats remained the same 10 seats as continuing from 26 years as this shows the clear in justice with the minorities. After the petition filed by Mr. J.Salik challenging the ordinance  in  2002 in which a large bench namely Chief Justice Sheikh Riaz ,Justice Muneer A Sheikh, Justice Nazim Hussain Siddique, Justice Chaudry Muhammed Iftikar and Justice Qazi Mohammed Farooqi stated there views .

Justice Muneer Sheikh also verified it as an injustice and suggested that a change is required for electing the minorities and ladies reserved seats during the hearing in October 2002. similarly Justice Khalil Ul Rehman Said on 28th September 2010 the  present parliament has not made any law regarding the minorities  and Justice Iftikar Chaudry said that the choosing of the minority members in the Parliament is against the Article 226. on the other hand on 6th September 2010 Justice Javed Iqbal said that the present way of electing on the reserved seat is the opposite of democratic reign. And in accordance to the recent statement on 28th May  Mr. Akram Gill selected by Muslim League (Q) Minister for  Minorities Affairs, stated that the minorities ministries are being abolished As he quoted it an total in injustice with the minorities on contrary Mr. J.Salik said the selection system by which the representers of minorities are chosen is also injustice but PML(Q) supported Mushraff for this ordinance and then it was passed in the 17th amendment but according to the commitment made with minorities on the national flag of Pakistan this act is a violation against the minorities although the ministry, if not of any benefit but still is a symbolic therefore to maintain the solidarity and respect of the minorities the ministry should not be abolished instead the selection system should again convert to election system.

Office Secretary
World Minorities Alliance

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